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【科普福利贴】肯恩大学辩论社 -- 什么是Democracy?


各位温肯的兄弟姐妹以及即将到来的学弟学妹们,Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the debate society in Wenzhou-Kean University! 欢迎来到肯恩大学的辩论社! 为 Professor Jennifer Marquardt 再次代言一下~

1楼2013-08-28 10:53回复

    2楼2013-08-28 10:54
      1. Ideas to Keep in Mind
      What makes a good government?
      What do you think of democracy?
      What do you think of Western/American government?
      What do you think of the Chinese government?
      What do you think of human rights?
      TIP: Stop being Chinese for the next 10 minutes!

      3楼2013-08-28 10:54
        2. What is a “WLD”?
        Usually a reference to the US or other developed European nations
        ---- Sometimes referred to as “OECD”
        Basically, any country fulfilling the following criteria:
        --- Democratic political structure
        --- Strong conception of human rights
        --- High per capita GDP
        --- Some sort of social welfare system

        4楼2013-08-28 13:00
          3. Western Ideas of Government
          --- Less is more!
          Western nations often preference individual rights
          Society is less important than individual autonomy,
          e.g., flag burning in the US or prostitution in the Netherlands
          --- Government has responsibility to act morally
          Economic growth is never an excuse for government
          --- People’s distrust of officials and government
          Many protections in place to restrict power

          5楼2013-08-28 13:00
            4. Western HR: Speech Rights
            --- Freedom of Speech
            Expressing opinions vs. “dangerous speech”
            --- Freedom of Demonstration
            Peaceful demonstrations vs. “riots” (Occupy Wall St.?)
            --- Freedom of Association
            Not illegal to associate with dangerous groups
            --- Freedom of Religion
            State may not compel you to believe or support a faith

            6楼2013-08-28 13:01
              5. Western HR: Legal Rights
              --- Right to Legal Representation (“indigent defense”)
              Attorneys provided to you if you can’t afford one; always someone to represent you
              --- Right Against “Unreasonable” Search & Seizure
              Police must secure proper documents from a judge; If a policeman stops you and asks for ID without proper document, you can refuse to do so.
              --- Right to “Due Process”
              No “unusual procedure” permitted for any defendant
              --- Right to a Speedy Trial
              Cannot delay trial or seeing a judge; separate branch

              7楼2013-08-28 13:01
                6. The Original WLD: USA, USA!
                Political structure:
                --- Separation of powers
                Judicial branch; legislative branch; administrative branch
                Check and balance between 3 branches
                --- Federal system
                Local governance of states combined with national or “federal” governmental structure for national issues
                Pros: Diversity, representation, experimentation
                Cons: Huge legal and administrative differences
                --- Party politics
                Two major parties: Democrats & Republicans
                “Liberal” vs. “conservative”
                Deadlock in Congress: Problems with two-party politics
                --- Presidential politics
                President’s office staffs most of the important agencies and bureaus
                Internationally only the presidents’ affiliation matters

                8楼2013-08-28 13:02
                  7. WLDs & Debate Motions
                  --- Right to Bear Arms ---- gun control
                  THBT the right to bear arms should be repealed.
                  --- Freedom of Speech --- media
                  THW give citizens the right to offend religion.
                  THW censure artists who glorify violence.
                  \THW give younger adults fewer rights than older ones
                  THBT rights of the individual are more important than the rights of society.

                  9楼2013-08-28 13:03
                    最后还是给 Professor Jennifer Marquardt 宣传一下~ 辩论社欢迎你的到来!!!

                    10楼2013-08-28 13:04