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我想练写作水平,所以每天写一点英文的短文,完全没有连接完全加工亲们多多指教= =

来自iPhone客户端1楼2013-06-06 08:43回复

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2013-06-06 08:44
      Take a breath. I took in large gulps of air.
      Don't look down. I exhaled. I looked down.
      The sun is blazing above my head, dangling across the blue canvas-like sky, without a single cloud drifting about.
      Great. I thought. I'm gonna get tanned. Again.
      My eyes drifted across my pale, white integumentary system, which is currently absorbing the energy the sun is generously scything out.
      Funny thing, the sun. Never seems to burn out of energy.
      I peered down at the speckless marble ground, lips pursing. I felt disgust and malevolence as the fat, shaky girl reflected that little gesture back to me.
      Hmmph, my hair looks weird.
      "Rouhon, Zeng, is it?"the counselor glanced up at me through her dirty lenses of her oval spectacles, her hair tangled like a bird's nest.
      I squinted my eyes in disapproval, " Ruohong, ZHENG, ma'am."
      "Oh, I see. Well, it is never my expertise in pronouncing Chinese names. Ha ha." She mouthed and grinned as if she had just made a funny joke.
      I grinned back, but I presumed it came out as a snarl according to the unconcealed glare shooting out her eyes.
      I unabashedly glared back, staring into her pupil deliberately, trying hard to suppress the laughter vibrating deep down in my stomach.
      She turned her gaze.
      I must be so queer, eccentric, and formidable at this moment judging by the behavior of the counselor. However, in my defense, I was never devoted for making good first impressions.
      She tossed down my application file,stood up in a flash, pushing her old cherry-colored armchair back with such rage and energy that made me rethink her age.
      "Welcome to the school, Miss Zeng." She sticks out her chappy, wrinkled, leathery claw.
      "Miss ZHENG."I grinned, shaking her hand.
      I shut my eyes, feeling the familiar nauseous feeling triggering inside me when someone mispronounces my name...
      Well, apparently they always do that in America.

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2013-06-06 08:45

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2013-06-06 09:04