He was working at the record shop 十七那年他在唱片店工作 I would kiss him in the parking lot 空旷的停车场我也会亲他 Tongue felt like cigarettes and soda pop 舌头里满是烟与汽水味道 Seventeen 十七岁啊十七岁 He would tell me I was beautiful 他总常常对我说我很漂亮 Sneaking in the neighbours swimming pool 曾经溜进邻居家泳池游泳 Yeah he taught me how to break the rules 是他教会我不再循规蹈矩 Seventeen 十七岁啊十七岁 But hey, this isn't long gone 但是这段岁月并没有远去 And when I hear this song 当我再听到这熟悉的旋律 It takes me back 让我回想起那难忘的岁月 We were on top of the world 我们仿佛是站在世界之巅 When I was your girl 当时的我还陪伴在你身边 We were living so wild and free 我们日子过得狂野而自由 Acting stupid for fun 为了快乐而做可笑的事情 All we needed was love 只是因为我们处在恋爱期 That's the way it's supposed to be 因为这是爱情的本来样子 We were running red lights 过马路你开车带我闯红灯 We were going all night, 我们每夜都会在外面疯玩 Didn't care about anything 那会任何事情我都不在乎 We were living a dream 感觉就象是在甜蜜的梦里 It was you and me 梦里面只有你和我在一起 And we were Seventeen 难忘那年我们的十七岁啊