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You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: who are you?
You: and why would u ask this silly question
Stranger: no i just want to know you
You: look,its kinda strange to ask this
You: u see "talk to strangers!"?
Stranger: how are you?
You: im good
You: u?
Stranger: why?
Stranger: im good
You: what why?
Stranger: where do you come from?
You: china
Stranger: are you a male?
You: nope
Stranger: how old?
You: 14
Stranger: high school student right?
Stranger: so young..
You: im 9th grade..
Stranger: where will you go? i mean your university
You: maybe art school in SF
Stranger: cool
Stranger: are you from beijing
You: nope guangdong province
Stranger: far from beijing?
You: idk how to say,beijing is in north i live in south
Stranger: ooow ya ya i see..
You: so where u from?
Stranger: jakarta
Stranger: indonesia
You: sounds like u've been to china
Stranger: this is my first time using omegle..
Stranger: i know shanghai, beijing, guangzhou, etc
Stranger: no i like to read about china
You: well then u'd better be careful here lots of boring horny ppl here
You: good:)
Stranger: ya i hate them
Stranger: i just want to make a friend
Stranger: with others :)
You: same i like makin friends around the world
Stranger: that's why i like to ask my chat friend
Stranger: what's your name?
You: Jane
Stranger: do you like photography?
You: yea
Stranger: me too
Stranger: hehehe
You: how old r u
Stranger: im 21
You: college guy?
Stranger: yp
Stranger: yap
Stranger: last smestre
You: study in indonesia?
Stranger: yes, but i want to take a postgraduate maybe
Stranger: hope in uk
You: why dont u study aborad
Stranger: i want it
Stranger: and how about you?
Stranger: which university?
You: i wanna go to the university in new york
You: or SF
Stranger: an art universty?
You: yea NYU sounds good
Stranger: ya it's very good
Stranger: :)
Stranger: have you got a website?
You: nope
Stranger: like facebook?
You: uh i dont like using fb
Stranger: so what do you like?
You: dark brown hair white skin dark brown eyes
Stranger: nice :)
You: haha
Stranger: can i see your photo?
Stranger: i always feel curious when im chatting
Stranger: hahahaha
You: well check out my twitter _BrittanyBB
Stranger: you have big eyes, right?
You: yea..
Stranger: chinese usually has small eyes.. :)
You: i just dont get it most of my friends got big eyes
Stranger: burberry weekend?
Stranger: i found it on your twitter
You: what?
You: i didnt post that..
Stranger: yes you did
Stranger: the burberry parfume
You: oh right
You: i forgot that
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: the parfume that i used too
You: i like burberry
You: and wait that weekend purfume is for women..
Stranger: i bought a burberry weekend in singapore. and it's for men too
You: oh okay
Stranger: maybe it has for men and for women
Stranger: smells good
You: yea
You: i also luv their coat i just got one last week
Stranger: where you got it?
Stranger: do you want to be a fashion designer?
You: my sister gave it to me
You: of course!
Stranger: hahahaha
You: thats my dream
Stranger: how old is she?
Stranger: i think you have to go to europe
You: shes 23
Stranger: not US :)
You: i think i will,this summer holiday
Stranger: uk
Stranger: :)
You: if i cant get in a good high school
You: can
Stranger: :D
Stranger: europe is more fashionable than us
You: u mean like paris?
Stranger: i want to take my master in uk, hope it can be
Stranger: paris, milan, london
You: yea
You: but i still prefer us
You: new york
Stranger: new york is good one
Stranger: it's up to you
You: yea i mean 5th Ave and the empire state
You: and fashion week
Stranger: what's your sister's name?
You: why u wanna know
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: i dunno
You: and im not planing to tell u
Stranger: oke no problem :)
You: ok
You: so what do u wanna be
Stranger: friends?
Stranger: how's china? snowy there?
You: im talking bout your dream job no snow in south
Stranger: i want to be a natgeo photographer
Stranger: wildlife, landscape, and travel photographer
You: wow
You: thats good
Stranger: but it's difficult
Stranger: many photographers want to be a part of natgeo. specially landscape and wildlife
You: ywa
You: yea
Stranger: btw nice to meet you jean..
Stranger: i have to work then.. :)
You: ok
You: nice to meet u too
You: bye
Stranger: bye :)

IP属地:广东1楼2013-01-16 21:36回复

    来自iPhone客户端3楼2013-01-17 15:14

      IP属地:广西4楼2013-01-22 20:26