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新闻:6.1 ‘The Silver Chair’ After All?


The NarniaWeb news page is alive and well! Douglas Gresham says he wants to make The Silver Chair next, and he would like to make it independently. A seven-year moratorium prevents him from starting anytime soon. Rilan and Glumpuddle discuss the possible pros and cons of Gresham’s vision. Read the report here.
Running Time 27:52

1楼2012-07-12 21:30回复
    纳尼亚网的新闻页面复活了!Douglas Gresham下一部电影想拍《银椅》,而且他想进行独立制作。然而七年的间歇让他无法立即重启这项计划,因此Rilan和Glumpuddle分析了Gresham这项计划的利弊。
    ——淡墨无痕 译

    2楼2012-07-14 12:43