_nicotine吧 关注:38贴子:1,242
  • 1回复贴,共1
在《My Love》五光十色的激情中,在《Seasons In The Sun》悠扬的风笛里,在《You Raise Me Up》坚定的节奏和和声中徜徉,共同挥别那些关于青春、梦想、爱与阳光的珍贵留声…

IP属地:新加坡1楼2012-01-02 16:05回复
    i don't want to say goodbye to you,you still singing in my life,next 10 years even next 20years or more,show me how wonderful world is,you give me sunshine and rainbow,mybeautyful day,you raise me up,to more than i can be。

    IP属地:新加坡来自手机贴吧2楼2012-01-06 22:44