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When we truly realize that we are all alone is when we need others the most.当我们真正意识到孤独的时候,才是我们最需要有人陪的时候。

1楼2011-06-24 12:26回复
    【“挺”别人的五句英语口语】:1. I will support you. 我会支持你的。2. I'll back you up. 我会挺你的。3. I'm on your side. 我站在你这边。4. You can count on me. 你可以依靠我。5. I'm a phone call away. 我随call 随到。

    2楼2011-06-24 12:27
      Sometimes it sucks being strong.Because when people know that you are strong, they think that it is okay to hurt you, over and over again. 有时候坚强并不是什么好事情,因为有些人会认为你坚强,所以伤害你问题不大,于是一再的伤害你。

      3楼2011-06-24 12:27
        【脱口而出】1)I will fix it.我来想办法。. 2) I never said that.我可没这么说过。 3) You probably overreacted.你反应过度了。 4)I need to blow off steam. 我需要宣泄压力。 5)Screw karma.见鬼去吧。[粗俗语-慎用] 6)How dare you! 你竟然胆敢这么说/作!

        4楼2011-06-24 12:27
          【恋爱“分手”breakup的八大原因】1. Too insecure 太没安全感 ;2. Too clingy 太黏人;3. Too slovenly 不太打扮、太邋遢;4. Too naggish 太啰嗦;5. Too childish 太幼稚;6. Too irresponsible 太不负责;7. Too unfaithful 太不忠诚;8. Too controlling 控制欲太强

          5楼2011-06-24 12:28
            I am not addicted to text. I am addicted to who I am texting. 我不是对发短信上瘾,而是对发短信的那个人上瘾。

            6楼2011-06-24 12:28