0[Chorus: Rihanna] I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed Get along with the voices inside of my head You're tryin'
0Eminem Feat. Dr. Dre - I Need a Doctor Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source! I'm about to lose my mind you've been gone for so long I'm running out of time I need a doctor, call me a doctor I need a doctor, doctor to bring me back to life I told the world, one day I'll repay it back say it on tape and lay it recording so that one day I can play it back but I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that doubt's starting to creep in, the big day is just so gray and black hope, I just need a ray of that, cause no one seeks my vision when I play it for &#
0逝去的过往 就别再回头望 逝去的过往 身上背着行囊 打算随便乱晃 带一身臭皮囊 认得我的模样 等著仇家
0《阿岳》 这样太危险 飞太远 对你做鬼脸 我们飞太远 衝上云端 天空没有极限 《E-SO+阿岳》 他们知道我们来自哪裡 已经铁了心 不掉头回去 离开地表展开双翼飞行 WE GRINDING黄金级的 SKY TEAM 《MC HOTDOG》 到处都是小清新 小确幸你要小心 街头的兄弟很饿 杀出程咬金 现在多了我们兄弟本色 五个小小兵 五个忍者 天时地利人和 就是不矫情 就是不鸟你 做自己 路遥知马力 我们的触角早就不知伸到哪去 胚到全世界 飞航模式 没日夜非常忙到没时间 背上饶舌歌