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    天啊早上一刷新邮箱一封两眼的信件立马闪入我的眼帘 录取了!!!录取了!!!泪目!!!!
    乘凉 5-14
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    utube上面有一个中国学生(不晓得哪个学校)演绎的the history boys,我笑抽了,下次把它下下来然后上传!
    r2beat01 1-22
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    但是我们更加云里雾里啦。 还有大段法语对白。很不错的感觉? 在中国应该是有文化的小资的喜欢的多吧
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    第一个是Hector 第一次看,从头到尾不喜欢一个角色,而这个角色也正是电影讴歌的角色。或许说讴歌有些不恰当,因为英国电影从来没有明显的主题,不会褒,也不会狂贬,这是英国人崇尚的中庸(这中庸和中国哲学里面的中庸不是一样)。我在这个国家听到最多的一句话,不是‘早上好’不是‘谢谢’,而是不绝于耳的"Dont Generalise."经济学上老师孜孜不倦地提醒我们,写论文的时候要twist,要evaluate,无数个'however'能带来好运。这整部
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    吧主喜欢电影的方式好极端,一天看10遍?! 我喜欢一部电影会去背对白。记性好,一般看一两遍就能搞定大部分。但英语水平限制,这电影用这种方式表达喜爱相当挑战。下了个中英对照字幕,正在读。 英语不好,感觉着吧向吧主的空间一样。一定慢慢拜读。
    唐_太闲 11-14
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    samoomas 2010-10
    I guess I've done the most insane thing I've ever done in my life, I rejected him. for all this time we've been seeing each other, going out, I didnt who we were to each other, whether as best friends or whatever else, we have been both talking about boys that are attractive, sex that we've had, not a single one time of those conversations I have enjoyed. we went to watch Paranormal Activity two, headed to the union, went home. on the way back he was asking who we were to each other, honestly I dont know, I am too scared to think about it, he who has a million followers and receives innumerabl
    samoomas 10-29
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    met someone who shares so much in common with me tonight, talked the whole night through, then he left without me, left me hanging there then I felt really lost, I dont know, dont even ask me a single question. I always wait for people to make the moves, I thought I was attractive enough for me to stay cool, not in his case. Chris slept with him on our first party, impressive. now what, should I have said hes really cute and turn it into a pathetic one night stand then destroy any chance of getting anything decent? I dont know, shut the fuk up dont ask me a thing.
    samoomas 10-2
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    i swear this audition craze needs to stop. went auditioning for an a capalla group, went not so well i could have done so much better but eventually got a call back to do choreography audition which is the second round, wooooo! party tonight at my dad's my academic gay dad :D
    samoomas 10-2
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    "This is a city of shifting light, of changing skies, of sudden vistas. A city so beautiful, it breaks the heart again and again.", ...Alexander Mccall Smith on Edinburgh
    samoomas 9-29
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    It's not easy writing personal statement for a second year I'd used up all the possible inspirations last year and now I'm ****ed :@ I seriously mean it even if its well composed its still soulless, not sure about the contents. I should explain more but vie used up with word limit already.
    samoomas 9-15
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    samoomas 9-8
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      Girls can wear jeans and cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots, because it's OK to be a boy, but for a boy to look like a girl is degrading, because you think that being a girl is degrading. But secretly you'd love to know what it's like, wouldn't you? What it feels like for a girl?  -The Cement Garden   
    samoomas 8-24
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    samoomas 2010-08
    I have every reason/right to be angry and behave in an enraged way. Though I wouldn't make it superficial, it wouldn't work things out, I have enough respect for myself, and did for you. Respect is a reciprical condition, so is disrespect, being a parent does not grant you with the right to look up my phone without my own permission, and it's not the first time she's done it, countedly the fifth time to my knowledge,   upon every other time I had respectfully told her that I didn't like it and asked her to stop. I had sacrificed enough self esteem to protect your feelings. Now that I
    samoomas 8-23
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    吧主时大北街小学的吗? 97年 入学的? 2班的? 如果时 加我Q 476947710    ,我们有可能时小学同学。
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    So that evry one can see
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    The summer's finally here, these couple of days are going to be messy. Leavers' ball tomorrow till one, then we head straight to catleyday's Party and probably won't sleep at all, I gotta catch the train at 12 to Worthing to drop off my luggage and then head straight to Gatwick airport with the bitches, stay there overnight to keep them accompanied and we should be leaving for Gibraltar at 10 in the morning. Sleep for a day I suppose, then go out for drinks on the beach everyday and clubbing every night till sun rise, go back to Pete's and sleep till we wake up. Ohhh dear I should compensate m
    samoomas 7-3
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    samoomas 2010-06
    I am thinking, oddly, that what sort damage would drive you away from one country and never want to look back ever again. Although for my stalkers information, it's not in my case I'm only just curious. I used to know this old old friend, she left England to Scotland as she suffers from deep depression that no one but herself thinks it's better if she strays away from the urban environment that she once was in and move up to the high land of Scotland. She did, for a couple of months hoping to recover, then she returned, it was sad that things didn't go well, in fact it was a lot worse, a mutua
    samoomas 6-28
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    顺便求巴豆~~~ 最近输惨了~~~~~~杯具 十五字十五字十五字十五字了没有 那啥这部电视剧好看么 好看我也看看去 秀签名
    samoomas 6-18
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    Hi, samoomas! Undoubtedly THB is an incredible film, thank u very much for your sharing. Coincidentally, I came here and read some of your words, feeling sort of touched cos both the film and ur experiences. Honestly I've watched this film in our library on campus when I was still a sophomore but I was that deeply impressed by THB until I've noticed ur explanation about it.Good words!!!Now, two years have passed so that I can read more meanings from THB. Anyway,very nice to meet u here, and best wishes on both ur study and life in London. Plz take ur heart and pursue ur goal, then I'm convince
    samoomas 6-15
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    after all those many years, this one thing you learn from life is that you are never too attractive, sometimes not at all
    samoomas 4-30
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    I was running all over london tearing it up side down in pouring rain to have finally bought this gorgeous pair of shoes; abusolutely love it
    samoomas 3-31
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    I still miss him, still cant help looking at the pics on facebook, still get to visualise the intimacy we had together, and his bad bad smile, the cuteness, the amazingness, the unbelieveableness, he is just too georgeous, way too georgeous that I couldnt get hold on to anymore
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    u finally get to realise that nothings forever, nothing can be for sure, dont put the entire u on the bid, or u might lose everything
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    one of the biggest mistakes one could possibly make is to fall in love with ur one night stand and I did, looking like an complete idiot to myself, should cut it firmly and I'll be alright soon grow up Ruoyang its nice and beautiful memories and I so loved it, tho I shall move on
    samoomas 1-25
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    当Dominic Cooper考上大学后和Irwin那段办公室对话是什么意思?为什么他和Irwin有那么大的激烈争论,这一段看不懂!
    samoomas 1-14
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    I kinda understand how and ppl cry when they think of their country being tortured and raped by dishonesty
    samoomas 1-14
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    这是最糟糕最糟糕的一段时间,希望人品在长时间的缺席我的生活之后,在明天开始爆发,因为我明天就回到英国了,也是剑桥offer放出的那天,希望我能如愿拿到录取。 will已经拿到了他的录取,为了长远的捕猎will计划,我一定也要拿到录取才行,这样我们的约会就会如期进行,到时候就能推倒他。 雅思居然只有7.5分,口语才7分?没见过这么低的,第一次发挥市场都有7分,这次我眉飞色舞口若悬河,不怕我没说的就怕你被我说得晕头转向!阅读不
    samoomas 1-6
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    samoomas 2010-01
    samoomas 1-3
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    samoomas 2010-01
    samoomas 1-3
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    samoomas 1-3
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    演技很好! 超迷人的笑容! 为什么不怎么出名? why?
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    After all these heartbreakings and intimacies, I think I still love him, so strongly that I would not be able to deny my self with my own fe

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目录: 个人贴吧
