35Janus Dissing Rathke 皮肤好啊。。。。头发亮啊。。。。。。。。。
86就是颁奖那会儿的,存了好久了,打算删了。 看吧里一直没更新就决定传上来,谁把图片保存了放相册去吧,我下礼拜就删了(图片太多别怪我)= =
521看到88075435qq仁兄的空间有这部电影的剧照,就激动的拿了过来,呵呵3748摘要:什么是贫民窟?它的定义十分模糊。联合国的贫民窟定义是最恶劣的住房条件、最不卫生的环境、犯罪率和吸毒盛行的穷人避难所。3510http://www.risingstar.to/jdrathke.html21285•欢迎光临janusdissingrathke吧x2022; •为了能保持吧里的整洁及大家在本吧的和谐愉快相处x2022; •请各位吧友遵守吧规。为贴84每天一签. 盖本吧最高楼. 顺便汇报每天天气.. 顺便可以写出当天的心情 就当个短暂的日记 顺便可以贴自己喜欢的图~ 别忘了"贴吧排名技巧"~ 各位加油吧!13391041019Janus Dissing Rathke was born in Sjørslev, Denmark, on July 25, 1991. He has appeared as: Frits/Martin in the feature film, Drømmen, 1/30/2006. The title translates as Dream, but the international title is We Shall Overcome. Kalle in the feature film, Der var engang en dreng, 10/13/2006. The title translates as There was once a boy, but the international title is Skymaster: A Flying Family Fairytale. Allan in the feature film, Julefrokosten, 11/6/2009. The title translates as Christmas party.7RT3527来自丹麦的童星JanusDissingRathke 出生:25. Juli 1991, Dänemark 出演过电影:<We shall overcome>(我们必胜)