0经核实吧主class9united 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 siriusstar吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0Cécile Corbel:La Chanson D'Arrietty (Version Française) Sous les herbes folles, moi j’ai grandi. Je suis une enfant ordinaire, plutôt jolie. Petite fille rêvant d’ailleurs, Ici pas très loin de vous. Parfois je soupire et souvent je me dis, J’aimerais tant voir la vie en grand ! Les cheveux froissés par le vent, Fendre l’air comme un oiseau blanc. Sentir enfin ton regard, sur moi. Derrière ces murs je sais qu’il y a la mer Des papillons un grand livre ouvert. Mais y a-t-il quelqu’un quelque part, Pour moi. Sous les herbes folles, j’écoute la pluie. Le temps, s
3The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen. The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried. Don't let them in, don't let them see. Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal don't feel, don't let them know. Well, now they know! Let it go, let it go. Can't hold it back anymore. Let it go, let it go. Turn away and slam the door. I don't care what they're going to say. Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway. It's funny how some distance, make
2情与义 值千金 刀山去 地狱去 有何憾 为知心 牺牲有何憾 为娇娃甘心剖寸心 血泪为情流 一死岂有恨 有谁人敢过问 尘世上 相识是缘份 敬怀酒千怀怎醉君 野鹤逐闲云 生死怎过问 笑由人 谁过问
1Forever - Stratovarius
7[ti:Infernal maze] [ar:Stratovarius] [al:Elysium (2011)] [00:00.00]You’ve faded away——君已隐去 [00:06.63]And woe is all that remains—— 空余哀伤 [00:13.16]And I have gone astray——余亦坠堕 [00:21.33]My mind full of fury and stains——吾魂惊狂 [00:27.22] [00:28.86]I’m carrying a sees of insanity——狂戏如伶 [00:35.44]A burden of faded memories—— 黯忆如负 [00:47.07] [00:51.44]Delusion, destruction,salvation—— 心智惑 肉体颓 魂魄赎 [01:02.23]Now I am forsaken——余亦被弃 [01:10.14] [01:16.36]Infernal maze [01:20.39]From 灵云(Strato
0They came for him one winter's night. Arrested, he was bound. They said there'd been a robbery, his pistol had been found. They marched him to the station house, he waited for the dawn. And as they led him to the dock, he knew that he'd been wronged. "You stand accused of robbery," he heard the bailiff say. He knew without an alibi, tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom. Over the hills and far away, for ten long years he'll count the days. Over the mountains, and the seas, a prisoner's life for him there'll be. He knew that it would cost him dear, but yet he dare not say. Where he had been
0Let Her Go Lyrics from All The Little Lights All The Little Lights Other Album Songs 1 Things That Stop You Dreaming 2 Wrong Direction 3 Holes 4 I Hate 5 Let Her Go 6 Staring At The Stars 7 All The Little Lights 8 Circles 9 Keep On Walking 10 Patient Love 11 Life's For The Living 12 Feather On the Clyde "Let Her Go" is track #5 on the album All The Little Lights. It was written by Rosenberg, Michael David. Edit "Let Her Go" is track #5 on the album All The Little Lights. It was written by Rosenberg, Michael David. For Example... What chart rank did the song debut? What is the song about? Has i
0From tomorrow on, Write to each of my dear ones, Telling them of my happiness what the lightening of happiness has told me. I will spread it to each of them. -- Hai Zi (1964-1989)
1who are those little girls in pain 这些苦痛的少女们是谁? just trapped in castle of dark side of moon 她们被囚禁在月亮背后的城堡中 Twelve of them shining bright in vain 这12位少女空虚的散发着光辉 like flowers that blossom just once in years 宛如数年才盛开一次的花朵一样 They're dancing in the shadow like whispers of love 她们如同爱情的 语般舞动着 just dreaming of place where they're free as dove 仅仅梦想自己能像鸽子一样自由飞舞 They've never been allowed to love in this cursed cage 她们在这座被诅咒的牢笼
1我不知道 是否 还在爱你 如果爱着 为什么 会有那样一次分离 我不知道 是否 早已不再爱你 如果不爱 为什么 记忆没有随着时光 流去 回想你的笑靥 我的心 起伏难平 可恨一切 都已成为过去 只有婆娑的夜晚 一如从前 那样美丽
10The Spirit of Metal
4I know,you are staying with me/I was tired,and now I'm moving/No matter what the future will be,together,or apart/The figure of you will always be missing
0Real leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary determination.
3@single嵩 你怎么看
3“当宇宙的和谐之美一览无遗地展现在你面前时。生命只是一个很小的代价。” “但他们看到这美后只能再活十分钟!” “就是没有这十分钟,仅仅经历看到那终极之美的过程,也是值得的。” 摘自 刘慈欣《朝闻道》
4Soundless Voice
1苦しくて 悲しくて 好痛苦 好伤心 悔しくて やめたくて 悔恨怎么也抑制不住 それすらも许されず 连那都不被允许的话 なにもかも失うだけで 什么到最后都会失去 辛过ぎて 憎过ぎて 好辛苦 好恨它 虚しくて 消したくて 多么空虚 就让他消失吧 何もかも投げ出して 把一切都扔掉 飞び出して唤き叫ぶよ! 在奔走中嘶吼吧! キミはなにも知らずに 你什么都不知道 夜の街を駆けるよ 只是奔跑于夜晚的街道中 ボクはなにも言わずに 我什么都没有说 そ
1The Eagles