16嘿嘿! 做法很简单啊! 不过第一次还是花了半小时左右~~ 哦哦~~
29英文名的排法: 名 姓
13using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; namespace YHhotel.YHhotelWindows { /// /// Class1 的摘要说明。 /// public class video { //5个传入参数 private IntPtr myHand; private int myWidth; private short myHeight; private int myLeft; private int myTop; //调用avicap32.dll public struct videohdr_tag { public byte[] lpData; public int dwBufferLength; public int dwBytesUsed; public int dwTimeCaptured; public int dwUser; public int dwFlags; publi
8内容textarea 内 容:
46U.C.P.2007 I.C.C. PUBLICATION 600 跟单信用证统一惯例2007最新版 ICC UCP600中英文对照
23A.A.R = against all risks 担保全险,一切险 A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number 进口到单编号 A/C = Account 账号 AC. = Acceptance 承兑 acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺 a/c.A/C = account 帐,帐户 ackmt = acknowledgement 承认,收条[/color] a/d = after date 出票后限期付款(票据) ad.advt. = advertisement 广告 adv. = advice 通知(书) ad val. = Ad valorem(according to value) 从价税 A.F.B. = Air Freight Bill 航空提单 Agt. = Agent 代理商 AI = first class 一级 AM = Amendment 修改书 A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer 信汇
91关于工作与生活—— HP大中华区总裁孙振耀撰文谈退休并畅谈人生
26以前只知道励志文章,却不知道有励志电影. 直到上一次,婷哥给我介绍了一部电影叫 当幸福来敲门.
0@ @
5人为什么而活着?看似是一个问题 其实,是潜意识的否定你的存在
0炒菜定律: 经常炒菜的肯定是妻子,炒菜好吃的肯定是丈夫。 忠诚定律: 妻子越是爱丈夫,丈夫对妻子越是忠;丈夫越是爱妻子,妻子越是对丈夫不忠诚。 花钱定律: 妻子把钱花在打扮(美容、穿戴)上,丈夫把钱花在过(烟、酒、牌……)瘾上。 买菜定律: 一到菜市场就不知买什么菜好的多是妻子,一到菜市场见啥菜买啥菜的多是丈夫。 成熟定律: 越是被妻子深爱着的丈
5大S 我专程给你送月饼来了 多吃点吧 长胖点
9昨天晚上做了一个奇怪的梦 很不好的预兆! 也许我该闪了!
18按ID首字母顺序排列 1.Free316 2.kittle·天空 3.mklxt 4.vity婷 5.江江小林子 6.凝望海天共一 7.清雨潇潇 8.雅米咖啡兔兔 9.左手戒指506
32今天是2008年09月04号,东生日的第二天。 昨天看着东迷们忙这忙那,好不热闹。一个个生日祝福贴被顶起,又沉下,再被顶起,反反复复,周而复始。
2东,生日快乐! 听你的歌好久了,我不是准歌迷,却能感受到今晚吧里不一样的气氛,大家都在等着12点到了,发贴庆祝!东哥,你要是看到了一定很欣慰吧。有怎么多人一如既往的支持你。 我不知道是音乐抒发了情绪, 还是情绪渲染了音乐。很多次,开心的,不开心的,相聚的,分离的,我都能从你唱过的歌曲找到对应的。然后反反复复地听好几天。所以,每年,我都用心地记住你的几首歌,也记住了几个人,一些事。所以,我觉得你的音乐
3Today is ghost festival, the day in here can not to go swim, But I went to. I saw many beautiful women In the seaside . ^ 0 ^ At that time I wonder that why the more they are dried, the more white they become. After a time, I had spent my all strength, so I closed my eyes and lying on the sea to drift away myself. Much to my surprise i was drift in the shallow area and knock into someone. It scared me to let the sea water fill into my nose. That was too sick for me. To rest the whole day I feel pretty great. HOHO So I Decided to continue the swimming tomorrow.
3when you are alone , you should consider the things what you are going to face in the future.
0I have received the DVD today, but I was too busy forgetting to bring it home. I don't know why does the software so popular! I am not certain it whether suitable for me? I just wanna try it once. I had attend the Fishing Show several times ,we had requested the translator. But at that time. I have not finished my college. I just treat it as a Holiday travel. This year I have joined the company, I would like to improve myself when next February have come
1I weighed myself tonight,my weight has increased by 1.5kg. And then I did a test for my jumping, oh god, it also has increased by 3cm. It really to my surprise, I think ,it should be drop when my weight had increased. So I'm very happy, I gradually feel that I'm flying. that was so wonderful.
12句点(Full Stop / Period,“.”) 问号(Question Mark,“?”) 感叹号(Exclamation Mark,“!”) 逗点(Comma,“,”) 冒号(Colon,“:”) 分号(Semicolon,“;”) 连字符(Hyphen,“-”) 连接号(En Dash,“–”) 破折号(Em Dash,“—”) 括号(Parentheses,小括号“( )”;中括号“[]”;大括号“{}”) 引号(Quotation Marks,双引号“"”;单引号“‘”) 缩写及所有格符号(Apostrophe,“‘”)
01. 基本文法说明 cause 指的是让某件事发生,单纯而直接的起因,所以有可能是一个动作、一个事件或者是一个情况。reason 则是一种对于动机的解释、