216http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1898646611 1987年9月 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1898603821 1987年10月
1void loop(const char* filein="test.root"){ TFile* fin = new TFile(filein) ; if (!fin->IsOpen()) { printf("<E> Cannot open input file %s\n",filein) ; exit(1) ; } TList* list = fin->GetListOfKeys() ; if (!list) { printf("<E> No keys found in file\n") ; exit(1) ; } TIter next(list) ; TKey* key ; TObject* obj ; while ( key = (TKey*)next() ) { obj = key->ReadObj() ; if ( (strcmp(obj->IsA()->GetName(),"TProfile")!=0) && (!obj->InheritsFrom("TH2")) && (!obj->InheritsFrom("TH1")) ) { printf(&qu
1//ROOT 6 double labppo(double *x, double *par) { double rt = 0.8; double t1 = 4.88, t2 = 15.4, t3 = 66.0, t4 = 400.0; double a1 = 0.665, a2 = 0.218, a3 = 0.083, a4 = 0.034; double y; if(x[0]<=0) y = 0; else y = a1*(exp(-x[0]/t1)-exp(-x[0]/rt))/(t1-rt) + a2*(exp(-x[0]/t2)-exp(-x[0]/rt))/(t2-rt) + a3*(exp(-x[0]/t3)-exp(-x[0]/rt))/(t3-rt)+ a4*(exp(-x[0]/t4)-exp(-x[0]/rt))/(t4-rt); return y; } double gaus(double *x, double *par) { double y = par[0]*TMath::Gaus(x[0],0,5); return y; } void convlTF1() { TF1 *flabppo = new TF1("flabppo", labppo, -100, 300, 0); flabppo->SetNpx(1600); TF
1alt x org-mode,或者文件保存为*.org, 开头加-*- mode: org -*- 改变只读:C-x C-q RET 按C-S-RET(Ctrl-Shift-回车),屏幕上就出现了”* TODO”,添加事件 C-c C-s,添加时间,选好一个时间再敲回车。 基本的TODO函数 C-c C-t 改变TODO状态,TODO项在三个状态中循环 ,->(unmarked)->TODO->DONE–. ,————————–, C-u C-c C-t 同上,转变状态,不过是可以指定转变为什么状态 S-right S-left 依然是转变状态,向不同的方向转。 C-c C-v C-c / t 树状显示所有的TODO项,如前所述,TODO
27LF will be replaced by CRLF in ... source某.sh文件,会出现问题 ': not a valid identifier 问题来源于linux和windows对换行符设定不同 1.Linux的换行: "n" 2.windows的换行: "rn"(回车,换行) (1)在微软的MS-DOS和Windows中,使用“回车CR('\r')”和“换行LF('\n')”两个字符作为换行符; (2)Windows系统里面,每行结尾是 回车+换行(CR+LF),即“\r\n”; (3)Unix系统里,每行结尾只有 换行CR,即“\n”; (4)Mac系统里,每行结尾是 回车CR 即'\r'。 影
0M-x package-list c-s 查找rainbow c-s 查找magit M-x package-install RET magit RET
0将某文件移除track git update-index --assume-unchanged src/fit/methods/EnergyRSP.cc git status后不在changed file中
1# Filename: txtprocess.py from datetime import * import time import datetime import string f = open(r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\overF_level_data2&3.txt') #fw = open(r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\overF_level_data2&3.txt' ,'w') time0=datetime.datetime(2012,5,25,18,57,55)#²âÁ¿³õʼʱ¼ä lines = f.readlines() num = 0 ##overF level data s=" " for line in lines: year=2012#year:y=int(line[0:4]) month=5 #month:m=int(line[5:7]) day=string.atoi(line[8:10],10)#×Ö·û´®×ªÎªÊý×Ö hour=string.atoi(line[11:13],10) minute=string.atoi(line[
0bunzip2 gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2 tar xvf gmp-4.3.2.tarcd gmp-4.3.2
090 91.5 99 102.5 102.5 103.5 108.5 108.5 112 114 115 116 119.5 121.5 122.5 124.5 125 126 133 133 136 138 139 148.5
34T yes NIL no
0format相当于printf 用英语念一个大数 (format nil "~r" 19999999) "nineteen million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine"
0Winston cone From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Winston cone is a non-imaging light collector in the shape of an off-axis parabola of revolution[1][2] with a reflective inner surface. It concentrates the light passing through a relatively large entrance aperture through a smaller exit aperture.[3] The collection of incoming rays is maximized by allowing off-axis rays to make multiple reflections before reaching the exit aperture. Winston cones are used to concentrate light from a large area onto a smaller photodetector or photomultiplier. They are widely used for measurements in the far i
2家のちかくの线路に 小さな花が咲いてた 日影でうつむく様に 谁にも気づかれないまま なんだか なんだか やるせなくなる なんだか なんだか はかなく见える なぜ仆はこの世の中に 生まれたのだろう? 青い电车が通って 风に花が揺れてる 今にも飞ばされそうな 名も无いちっぽけな存在 ほんとに ほんとに いとおしくなる ほんとに ほんとに 谁かに似てる なぜ仆はこの片隅で 生きているのだろう? それでも 名も无い小さな花は 限りある季节
1#include <RAT/DU/DSReader.hh> #include <RAT/DU/Utility.hh> #include <RAT/DS/Entry.hh> #include <RAT/DS/MC.hh> #include <RAT/DS/EV.hh> #include <RAT/DS/PMT.hh> #include <RAT/DU/PMTInfo.hh> #include <vector> #include "TH2D.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include <TVector3.h> #include <TMath.h> #include <TROOT.h> #include "TFile.h" using namespace std ; void WL() { RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader("WLS_beta_turnoffWater_100evts_track.root"); const RAT::DU::PMTInfo& pmtInfo = RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->G
33little lisp & SCIP
4Am241_old Ba133_old Cd109 Co57 Co60_old Cs137_old Mn54 Zn65
2树丽敏留言:关于户口和动迁 发表于2010-12-21 我是一个残疾人,老公是外地人,现在根据国家政策可以迁入户口,但是需要写一份协议。这套房子是租赁房,大家说好给我大叔,但是由于面积问题,他们无法迁入户口。协议中提到,此房归大叔家所有,我们只迁入户口,没有居住权。并要所有大家庭成员签名。请问,如果这样,一旦房子拆迁,我们能享受权利吗?如果大叔迁入户口,并买下此房,我们还能享受权利吗?谢谢!
3//将CAEN多道分析仪.n42标准文件数据转化为root文件并作图 //sciama: make some changes to test .n42(actually .xml) data // // Example to read and parse any xml file, supported by TXMLEngine class // The input file, produced by xmlnewfile.C macro is used // If you need full xml syntax support, use TXMLParser instead //Author: Sergey Linev #include "TXMLEngine.h" #include "typeinfo.h" //void DisplayNode(TXMLEngine* xml, XMLNodePointer_t node, Int_t level); void RetrieveData(TXMLEngine* xml, XMLNodePointer_t node); void xmltest(const char* filename="241Am_
1coincide这个词非常难翻译,暂时翻译成信号符合技术。 周末有空详细写一下。
22000.1,2,3,,11,12 2001.2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,12 1。饶雪漫,夜奔;谢冰清,月光恋情;雨君,漂亮男生 3.金曾豪,沙滩;徐岩,临界有雪;张洁,人间烟火; 2002.2,3,4,5,7,9,11,12 2003.1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,12 5.许华,蔷薇满园;伍美珍,飘在天空的果冻;胡若凡,刺桐花开刺桐花落 front-2003.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,12 front-2004.5,6,7,8,9
5看到某面瘫男的贴吧,充满了爱的粉红泡泡。。。天雷滚滚-v- 怎地,威风神马,就他有贴吧啊,你也有! 方,你生日什么时候? 谁知道方有男友了吗?
4像这样发个帖子 虽然现在申请吧主不用这样了,还是发个吧- -