凭什么AAP里Arts和Planning的interview都是hightly recommended,一到department of architecture就变成required的了?
Also need to choose location
I'm in the F**k Hebei not Beijing
As a result....."you can also submit an online PDF file to answer the questions so as to let us know you better (in the case where you can not have an in-person interview)"
...........that means, one more essay.........
approximately limited in 2-3 pages.................
2-3 pages..............

Also need to choose location
I'm in the F**k Hebei not Beijing
As a result....."you can also submit an online PDF file to answer the questions so as to let us know you better (in the case where you can not have an in-person interview)"
...........that means, one more essay.........
approximately limited in 2-3 pages.................
2-3 pages..............