‘There’s a pretty cool kissing scene in ‘The Big Bang‘ which is pretty funny because Kevin is actually the boyfriend of someone that works very closely with me. So there was definitely a little awkwardness since she was on set or whatever. I think it’s kind of cool that it’s someone that I know
and that I really like. I love when I put my hand out and he grabs my hand and we run off the train and we’re going up the stairs. I think it’s kind of romantic that she’s not even looking at him, just following kind of in a trance of whatever this person is.’ On her 18th birthday:
‘For my birthday this year, I’m just going to have everyone that I really love be able to hang out. I don’t always get to see everyone so it’s kind of cool that the AMAs are happening, so everyone will actually be in town formy birthday, which will be pretty cool.’