" You ' re not hurt , Watson ? For God ' s sake , say that you are not hurt !"
It was worth a wound——it was worth many wounds——to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask . The clear , hard eyes were dimmed for a moment , and the firmlips were shaking . For the one and only time I caught a glimpse of a great heart as well as of a great brain . All my years of humbl e but single——minded service culminated in that moment of revelation .
" Well , I don ' t like it , but I suppose it must be ," said I .
" When do we start ?"
" You are not coming ."
" Then you are not going ," said I ." I give you my word of honour ——and I never broke it in my life——that I will take a cab straight to the police —— station and give you away , unless you let m e share this adventure with you ."
( "哦,福尔摩斯,"我喃喃地说,"查到什么了?")
He stood beside me in silence , his candle in his hand . Then the tall lean figure inclined towards me ." I say , Watson ,"He whispered ." Would you be afraid to sleep in the same room with a lunatic , a man with softening of the brain , an idiot whose mind has lost its grip ?"
"Not in the least ," I answered in astonishment .
" There are the wheels , Watson Quick , man ,_ if you love me !"

" You ' re not hurt , Watson ? For God ' s sake , say that you are not hurt !"
It was worth a wound——it was worth many wounds——to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask . The clear , hard eyes were dimmed for a moment , and the firmlips were shaking . For the one and only time I caught a glimpse of a great heart as well as of a great brain . All my years of humbl e but single——minded service culminated in that moment of revelation .
" Well , I don ' t like it , but I suppose it must be ," said I .
" When do we start ?"
" You are not coming ."
" Then you are not going ," said I ." I give you my word of honour ——and I never broke it in my life——that I will take a cab straight to the police —— station and give you away , unless you let m e share this adventure with you ."
( "哦,福尔摩斯,"我喃喃地说,"查到什么了?")
He stood beside me in silence , his candle in his hand . Then the tall lean figure inclined towards me ." I say , Watson ,"He whispered ." Would you be afraid to sleep in the same room with a lunatic , a man with softening of the brain , an idiot whose mind has lost its grip ?"
"Not in the least ," I answered in astonishment .
" There are the wheels , Watson Quick , man ,_ if you love me !"