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我指出,在过去的二十年里改变的其实是我们自己……对我来说,这个国家还和以前一样,它的众多花园和外在完好无损;而内在则连法国人的心态都一如往昔。”——曼·雷"Some Americans I met later shook their heads sadly, saying France was no longer the same. I pointed out that it was we who had changed during the past twenty years... I found the country just the same, with its gardens and outward aspects intact; inwardly, even, the French mentality was the same as always. It still regarded all necessities of life as luxuries, and luxuries as indispensable necessities." - Man Ray

IP属地:河南来自iPhone客户端1楼2024-08-12 14:21回复
    "New York was always twenty years behind Paris in its appreciation of contemporary art, and California was twenty years behind New York." - Man Ray

    IP属地:河南来自iPhone客户端2楼2024-08-12 14:22
      “We danced. Juliet was like a feather in my arms, she had studied modern dancing with MarthaGraham.” - Man Ray

      IP属地:河南来自iPhone客户端3楼2024-08-12 14:22
        "Dada is a state of mind." - Man Ray

        IP属地:河南来自iPhone客户端4楼2024-08-12 14:22