〖101016☆贤☆后记〗I Saw the Star - 济州岛相遇(by Lavender) FR: Lavender @ Lovekimhyunjoong.com 翻译:BlancaQin @贤吧 ================================================= I SAW the STAR!!!!!! Today is my lucky day, 今天我守幸运之神眷顾 because I saw our star, or my “pretty boy” as I usually call him. 因为我看到了我们的星星,或者说,像我一贯称呼的,我的“漂亮男孩” The actual encounter is very short, 其实相遇的时间很短, please forgive me my ramblings, skip to the end if it’s boring. 请原谅我的啰嗦,如果你腻了,请直接跳到结尾。 《中间略》 The bus arrived at Jumon resort and dropped off passengers at various hotels, 巴士去到Jumon度假度假村,在不同的酒店放下乘客。 I was getting worried because I didn’t hear Saees name at all. 我开始有点担心,因为一直没有听到Seaes这个名字 Then the driver stopped at one hotel and asked the bellboy where Saees is, I was like “you didn’t know where it is and you told me to get on the bus?!!” 最后司机停在了一家酒店门口,向门童打听Seaes在哪里。我几乎要跳起来“你不知道酒店在哪居然让我上车?”
very excited, and ask where they will be shooting, he got quite and said “Don’t know, no.” His walkie-talkie went off and people were running around, he looked at me, I then realized that he is actually one of the shooting team! 我非常兴奋,问他拍摄地点。他想了想说“不知道”。这时他的对讲机响起来,有人跑过来。他望着我,我马上意思到他正是摄影组的人! I kept asking him where, but he said he could not say. More people were coming to the parking lot and started to load shooting equipment to the truck. 我不停追问拍摄地点,但他说他不可以讲。越来越多的人来到停车场,开始把拍摄器材装车。 我终于找到一个中年的工作人员,可以讲流利的英语。我告诉他我是贤重的饭,从美国过来看他,请让我看他们拍摄。他人很好,告诉我他们要拍摄汽车的场景,很难让我观看,但是他们会在六点后回来在酒店拍摄三个场景。你可以到时过来,并告诉我可以找哪几个人。我还努力尝试问他们到底在哪里进行户外拍摄,请让我在旁边看,可是他们很不要好地说“不!”I was
So I went to the parking lot, there were several vans with dark windows, couldn’t tell which one. But I saw several guys were sitting in one very close to me, the 2 guys in front were not HJ, and saw the feet of the one sitting in the back, not sure, but I didn’t really want to get too close if he was resting. 于是我走到停车场,有几辆有深色玻璃窗的面包车停在那里,我不知道是那一辆。但我看到有几个男子坐在离我很近的一辆;前面的两个不是小贤,后面的那个只看到脚,无法确定。但是我不想走太近,因为他可能在休息。 They will be back anyway and I will see him. I decided to check in the guest house first and come back later. 他们反正会回来,我一定会见到他的。于是我决定先去客房check in,然后再回来 The resort staff called a taxi for me, as I just got in the taxi, the drama crew started to move too, trucks, bus, and vans were all leaving. I just told the driver to follow them to see where they were going, so the taxi followed them for a while, actually between their group. Then the taxi driver drove fast and started to get ahead of them, I told him “slow, slow”, but too late, soon we lost them in the rear mirror. Oh, well. 酒店服务员帮我叫了辆taxi,我一上车,就看到摄影队的车子开始移动,卡车,巴士,面包车,全部出动了。我立刻让Taxi司机跟着他们。我们跟了一会,事实上在他们中间跑了一段,Taxi司机越开越快,终于超过了他们。“慢下来,慢下来”,我大叫,但是太迟了,他们很快在倒后镜中消失。唉。
Went back to the café, someone there,I ordered a cappuccino and sat there. Then all of sudden, I had the urge to write a letter to Hyunjoong, but I don’t have any paper with me so I asked the waiter, he went out and got me a piece of paper. So I wrote a letter to him in English with some Korean words, at least I can write his name in Korean without any problem. I also brought some chocolate that I want to give him. 我回到咖啡厅,有人在。于是点了一杯卡布奇洛。突然间,我想写信给贤重,但没有带纸,向侍应索取,他很快给我拿了一张纸。我于是用英文,夹着几个韩语单词写了一封信。至少我写贤重的韩文名字没有问题。我还带来了一些巧克力,准备送给他 (Blanca:坐在这里写的信吧,天朗风清,很美哩-图片来自网络) 终于到了6:15,太阳开始下山了,面包车陆续回来,不停有人下车。我于是走到停车场,看到郑素敏和其他人刚好下车从侧门走进酒店。 I waited some more and didn’t see HJ. 我等了一会,但是没有看到贤重。 Did I miss him again? 我又和他错过了吗?
Went back to the lounge and asked the front desk, he was already in the suite, apparently he snuck in through the side door and bypassed the lounge. 回到大厅问前台,原来他已经回到自己的套间,很明显,他一定是悄悄从侧门回来,没有经过大堂。 Darn, but he would have to eat later, right? 唉,又错过了,但他总要吃饭,对不对? I comforted myself. 我安慰自己 The crew started to set up a shooting site in one of the units, actually right next to the one HJ stays. Looks like some indoor scenes filming to be done soon. It was kind of hard to see from outside so I walked to the unit entrance. 摄影组在一栋楼里开始不知摄影,就在贤重住的那栋旁边。好像马上要拍室内场景。但是在外面看不清楚,我于是走向门口。 They were shooting some entry scene, saw JSM was doing some practices.She was wearing a read coat and shorts. I will omit other stuff I saw because I am not sure what they mean, and I don’t want to cause any wild guesses. 他们好像在拍进门的戏,郑素敏在练习。她穿着红色外套和短裤。我声调其他工作人员,因为不清楚其他角色,不想乱猜。 But unfortunately I didn’t see HJ, he probably only stayed inside the whole time. By then the crew were used to me, nobody talked to me but no one stopped me either. 可是我任然没有看到贤重,他也许只呆在里面。摄制组的人看到了我,可是他们没有理我,也没有赶我走。
My dinner time, went to the restaurant and saw they set up tables for both inside and outside, I debated where I should sit. The staff had started the BBQ grill outside and the small restaurant has large glass windows so I asked to be seated outside. 我的晚餐时间到了,我回到餐厅,看见他们在里里外外摆设桌子。我犹豫了一会该坐哪里。服务员在外面放好烧烤炉,这个餐厅很小,窗户很大,我于是决定坐外面 The first table they gave me was in the corner, I didn’t like it and asked to be moved to the middle, now I could see each table very well. 他们第一次给了我一张角落里的桌子,我不喜欢,要求坐在中间,这样我可以看到每一张桌子。 But the problem was, I was completely ignored, finally got some water. Believe or not, for almost an hour, no one came to take my orders! They just let me sit there, but I was not in any hurry because I didn’t want to finish my dinner before he arrives. There were a lot of bugs and mosquitoes flying around, no wonder HJ could kill 10 in one night to protect buin. 然后我被晾在那里,许久才拿到一杯水。信不信由你,我坐在那里近一个小时,也没有人过来帮我点餐。他们就让我坐在那里,但我一点都不急,因为我不想在贤重来到前就吃完晚餐了。有许多小虫子和蚊子飞来飞去,怪不得贤重一晚上要打十只蚊子来保护夫人。 At 7:30, the staff got busy and started to put side dishes, drinks and utensils on each table. They set a big table with 8 nice chairs and 5 smaller tables inside, left only one in the corner. I thought they might seat him at the big table, so I asked to be moved inside because it was getting too cold. 大约7:30,服务员开始忙碌起来,在每一张桌子布置小菜,饮料和碗筷。他们在中间放了一张大桌子,配8个很精致的椅子,然后旁边是五个小桌子,只在角落里留一张小桌子。我以为贤重会坐在中间的大桌子,于是要求调换进去,因为外面太冷了。 After he checked with the manager, I was moved to the table in the corner, perfect. I think, now I can see everything inside. Little did I know that what a big mistake it was and how embarrassed I would be later. 服务员问过经理,我被掉到了里面角落里的小桌子。太好了,这样我可以把里面看得清清楚楚。一点都不知道自己犯了一个大错误,而且弄得自己非常尴尬。 At 7:45, lettuce (ssangcho) baskets were put on the table, I can’t help but thinking about the WGM episode that how HJ pronounced the word and he ate lettuce and meat separately. I really want to see. 7:45,生菜篮子被放上了桌子,我马上想起我结里贤重把肉和菜分开吃的习惯,真想亲眼看一次。