@DuCai07Generally, pairwise FST between Han Chinese, Japanese and Korean (0.0026~0.0090) are greater than that within Han Chinese (0.0014), but are much smaller than that between European (CEU) and any East Asian groups, for example, the smallest FST between CEU and East Asian populations (FST[CEU-BMON]=0.0838; FST[CEU-KHV]=0.1059) are higher by an order of magnitude. These results suggested a comparatively closer relationship between Han Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
African and European individuals cluster together respectively, and East Asians individuals also have their own distinct cluster. In East Asians individuals, Mongolian, Ryukyuan and Tibetan have relatively distinct cluster, while Han Chinese, Japanese and Korean showed a relatively mixed phylogeny, suggest their much closer relationship,
We found that the present-day Han Chinese and Japanese have the most recent common ancestor that can be dated back about 3.0~3.6 KYA (corresponding to the Shang Dynasty in Chinese history). Korean and northern Han Chinese had frequent communications in ancient time, and the divergence time between the two populations was estimated as ~1.2 KYA (corresponding to the later period of Three Kingdoms of Korea, or the Tang Dynasty in China). And Japanese and Korean separated ~1.4 KYA, a little earlier than that of Han Chinese and Korean (corresponding to Asuka period in Japan, or in the middle of Three Kingdoms period of Korea).