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Balatro 1.0.1c 测试分支已经更新



IP属地:美国来自Android客户端1楼2024-04-08 11:12回复
    白3 2800 2000
    白4 6000 5000
    绿2 1000 900
    绿3 3200 2400
    绿4 9000 7000
    紫2 1200 1000
    紫3 3600 3000
    紫4 10000 8000
    紫5 25000 22000

    IP属地:美国来自Android客户端2楼2024-04-08 11:17
      Changed 8 Ball - scrapped old effect, new effect -> 1 in 4 chance to spawn a tarot when any played 8 is scored
      Changed Blue Seal - now creates the planet card of the final poker hand played during the round
      Changed both Mad and Clever Joker - scrapped 'contains 4 of a kind' effect, now applies instead to any hand that contains a 'Two Pair'
      Changed Yorick - scrapped old effect, new effect -> gains X1 mult every 23 cards discarded (starts at X1)
      Changed Magician Tarot - now applies lucky to 2 cards instead of 1
      Changed Midas Mask - now only applies Gold enhancement to scoring face cards, costs $7 was $6
      Changed Vampire
      now only removes enhancement from scoring cards
      gives X0.1 mult per enhancement instead of X0.2 mult
      Rare instead of Uncommon
      Changed Madness - now only applies on small/big blinds, not on boss blind selection
      Changed To Do list - poker hand no longer changes on payout, always changes at end of round (won't get stuck on Straight Flush)
      Changed description of Shortcut to include a more apt example (10 8 6 5 3)
      Changed Ancient Joker - the selected suit is no longer able to repeat between rounds
      Changed Swashbuckler - Now adds sell value of all other Jokers to Mult, not just the Jokers to the left
      Changed Hanging Chad - Now retriggers the first played card 2 times instead of once
      Changed Flower Pot - Now includes the base suit of debuffed cards when determining if it will trigger
      Changed Bootstraps to include current mult bonus in description
      Changed all 4 Sinful Jokers (one for each suit) - they now each give +3 mult per suit instead of +4 mult
      Changed Banner - now gives +30 chips per remaining discard instead of +40 chips
      Changed Fibonacci - costs $8 instead of $7, because Fibonacci
      Changed Steel Joker - Now gives X0.2 mult per Steel card in full deck instead of X0.25 mult
      Changed Odd Todd - Now gives +31 chips per odd ranked card instead of +30 chips
      Changed Sixth Sense - Now uncommon and $6, was rare
      Changed Hiker - Now gives +5 chips instead of 4

      IP属地:美国来自Android客户端4楼2024-04-08 11:29
        Changed Gros Michel - Now has a 1 in 6 chance to go extinct instead of 1 in 4
        Changed Seance - Now uncommon and $6, was rare and $7
        Changed Riff-Raff - Now $6, was $4
        Changed Vagabond
        Rare, was uncommon
        $8, was $6
        Applies when you have $4 or less, was $3 or less
        Changed Cloud 9 - Now $7, was $6
        Changed Mail-In Rebate - Now $5 was $3
        Changed Reserved Parking - Now common, was uncommon
        Changed Lucky Cat - Now gains X0.25 per lucky proc, was X0.2
        Changed Trading card - Now costs $6, was $5
        Changed Campfire - Now gains X0.25 per card sold, was X0.5
        Changed Smily Face - Now give +5 mult per face card, was +4 mult
        Changed Golden Ticket - Now payes out $4 per gold card played, was $3
        Changed Bloodstone - Now has a 1 in 2 chance to proc, was 1 in 3
        Changed Onyx Agate - Now gives +7 mult per club card, was +8 mult
        Changed Glass Joker - Now gives X0.75 mult per glass card destroyed, was X0.5 mult
        Changed Stuntman - Now gives +250 Chips, was +300
        Changed Invisible Joker - Now requires 2 rounds and costs $8, was 3 rounds and $10
        Changed Burnt Joker - Now is rare, was uncommon
        Changed wording on most scaling jokers to refer to 'this joker'
        Fixed bug where opening a booster pack with hand size of 0 was unskippable
        Fixed bug where the card generated by 'Certificate' was not being debuffed by the boss

        IP属地:美国来自Android客户端5楼2024-04-08 11:29
          Buffed Saturn
          Now gives +3 mult instead of +2 mult for Straights
          Buffed Neptune
          Now gives +4 mult instead of +3 mult for Straight Flush
          Buffed Eris
          Now gives +50 chips instead of +40 chips for Flush Five
          Buffed Ceres
          Now gives +4 mult instead of +3 mult for Flush House

          IP属地:美国来自Android客户端6楼2024-04-08 11:34
            Some Blinds are now be banned on challenge runs - banned Crimson Heart, Verdant Leaf and Amber Acorn on 'Jokerless' - banned Verdant Leaf on 'Typecast' - banned Verdant Leaf on 'Non-Perishable' - banned The Plant on 'Mad World'

            IP属地:美国来自Android客户端7楼2024-04-08 11:35
              Changed Orange Stake
              Scrapped increasing pack cost
              Added new 'Perishable' mechanic, Jokers have a 30% chance to have a 'Perishable' sticker, disabling them after 5 rounds
              Changed Gold Stake
              Scrapped -1 hand size
              Added new 'Rental' mechanic, Jokers have a 30% chance to have a 'Rental' sticker (stacks with eternal/perishable), making them cost $1 up front and $3 every round

              IP属地:美国来自Android客户端8楼2024-04-08 11:37

                IP属地:美国来自Android客户端9楼2024-04-08 11:37
                  Changed the first shop in every run to always include a normal Buffoon pack as one of the pack options

                  IP属地:美国来自Android客户端11楼2024-04-08 11:40

                    IP属地:北京来自Android客户端12楼2024-04-08 11:40

                      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端13楼2024-04-08 11:40
                        Gross Michael(香蕉牌)现在灭绝的概率是1/6(其实也不一定是加强..)
                        Burnt Joker(烧焦小丑)上调稀有度

                        IP属地:美国来自Android客户端14楼2024-04-08 11:47
                          Changed Gold Stake random seeds - now ensures that the first Legendary Joker on that seed is a Joker that you have not won with on Gold Stake (For Completionist++ hunting)

                          IP属地:美国来自Android客户端15楼2024-04-08 11:49
                            Changed eternal to apply to Jokers in Buffoon packs

                            IP属地:美国来自Android客户端16楼2024-04-08 11:54
                              Changed Uncommon tag - Now makes the uncommon joker free
                              Changed Rare tag - Now makes the rare joker free
                              Negative, Polychrome, Holo, Foil tags all make their respective joker free

                              IP属地:美国来自Android客户端17楼2024-04-08 11:57