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对比美月一年多 MBTI 结果变化


首先 MBTI 并不够准确,而且会随着时间变化,不同问卷结果可能不同,所以只能大致看一下。
另外对于 桃 是否会说谎,鉴于她过去的种种历史,有这种可能性,但 MBTI 结果本身是中性的,所以我估计有 75% 的可能是真的
22-11-13 测试
EI 57% E
SN 70% S
TF 81% F
JP 64% J
AT 85% A
24-03-15 测试
EI 58% I
SN 69% N
TF 62% F
JP 68% J
AT 88% A

IP属地:北京1楼2024-03-15 18:53回复
    好好好 🍑8心理学家

    IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端3楼2024-03-15 18:59
      基于我之前的判断 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8827240632 ,脆弱型自恋(vulnerable narcissism)加上焦虑型依恋 (anxious attachment),我让 AI 来推测她可能具备的 MBTI 类型,提问都是 `Please speculate on the MBTI result of a person with vulnerable narcissism and anxious attachment.`,下面是回答

      IP属地:北京4楼2024-03-15 19:01
        Claude 3 Sonnet 判断是 INFJ 或 ISFJ,I 是因为脆弱型自恋需要一个更可控的社交环境,所以内向,但从桃的结果看,她的内外向不明显,基本在中间位置。
        F 是多数 AI 的判断,也是桃一直没变的结果(有减弱),是因为对批评敏感,会基于个人情绪下判断,而非逻辑。
        JP 对于桃来说,是 J 但不明显,这里 Claude 倾向于 J,是因为对于关系的确定性需求导致的。

        IP属地:北京6楼2024-03-15 19:19
          Copilot creative 的判断是 INFJ 或 INFP,但没给出每个特性的详细解释,下面是原文。
          Speculating on the MBTI type of an individual with vulnerable narcissism and anxious attachment
          can be challenging, as MBTI is a self-reported inventory that assesses personal preferences in how
          people perceive the world and make decisions. However, research suggests that vulnerable
          narcissism is associated with fearful and preoccupied attachment styles. These individuals may
          exhibit traits such as sensitivity to criticism, insecurity, and a need for validation.
          Given these characteristics, one might speculate that a person with vulnerable narcissism and
          anxious attachment could align with MBTI types that are more sensitive to social dynamics and
          external validation. For instance, types like INFJ or INFP could be possibilities, as they are often
          characterized by a deep concern for relationships and a desire for harmony, which could correlate
          with the anxious attachment’s need for closeness and fear of rejection. However, it’s important to
          note that MBTI types are not designed to diagnose or reflect psychological conditions, and
          individuals with any personality type can experience varying degrees of narcissism or attachment
          Remember, this is a broad speculation and individuals are unique; personality assessments like the
          MBTI are just one of many tools that can provide insight into a person’s preferences and behaviors.
          For a more accurate understanding, a professional psychological evaluation would be necessary.

          IP属地:北京8楼2024-03-15 19:23
            MBTI, or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a personality tool that helps identify a person's personality type, strengths, and preferences. It's important to note that while MBTI can provide some insight into a person's behavior, it's not a diagnostic tool for mental health conditions like narcissism or attachment disorders.
            However, if we were to speculate, a person with vulnerable narcissism and anxious attachment might fall under the INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) or INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) categories.
            Vulnerable narcissists often have a high need for validation and can be quite sensitive, which aligns with the Feeling trait. They may also be introverted, as they tend to be more reserved and less confident in social situations compared to grandiose narcissists. The Intuitive trait might be present due to their tendency to read into things more and have a heightened sense of awareness about how others perceive them.
            Anxious attachment often involves fear of abandonment and a constant need for reassurance, which could be associated with the Judging trait (desire for structure and dislike of uncertainty) or the Perceiving trait (flexible and open, but may struggle with insecurity).
            Again, this is purely speculative and it's crucial to remember that personality types and mental health disorders are complex and can't be fully encapsulated by a single model or framework.

            IP属地:北京10楼2024-03-15 19:28
              综合来看,AI 都认为会有 F,这也验证了美月的性格特点,而且基于 vulnerable narcissism + anxious attachment 这个推断,都比较符合目前和之前她的 MBTI 结果

              IP属地:北京11楼2024-03-15 19:34
                gpt-4 的判断是 INFJ 或 INFP
                同样 F 是因为她敏感、高度需要人肯定。
                I 是因为不自信产生的推断。
                N 是因为更多考虑他人如何看待自己(即更少关注当下)
                而 JP 都有可能,渴望关系的确定感为 J,但也可能是灵活、开放的,那么就是 P,美月的 JP 为不明显的 J
                MBTI, or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a personality tool that helps identify a person's personality type, strengths, and preferences. It's important to note that while MBTI can provide some insight into a person's behavior, it's not a diagnostic tool for mental health conditions like narcissism or attachment disorders.
                However, if we were to speculate, a person with vulnerable narcissism and anxious attachment might fall under the INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) or INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) categories.
                Vulnerable narcissists often have a high need for validation and can be quite sensitive, which aligns with the Feeling trait. They may also be introverted, as they tend to be more reserved and less confident in social situations compared to grandiose narcissists. The Intuitive trait might be present due to their tendency to read into things more and have a heightened sense of awareness about how others perceive them.
                Anxious attachment often involves fear of abandonment and a constant need for reassurance, which could be associated with the Judging trait (desire for structure and dislike of uncertainty) or the Perceiving trait (flexible and open, but may struggle with insecurity).
                Again, this is purely speculative and it's crucial to remember that personality types and mental health disorders are complex and can't be fully encapsulated by a single model or framework.

                IP属地:北京12楼2024-03-15 19:37
                  哎,发好多都被吞了,总之就是总结一下 3 个 AI (Copilot、Claude、gpt-4) 的判断,另一个变化是由 70% S -> 69% N,AI 给出的都是 N 类型的推断,即会考虑更多别人的看法,以后的影响,而非关注当下。

                  IP属地:北京13楼2024-03-15 19:43

                    IP属地:江西来自Android客户端14楼2024-03-16 21:21

                      IP属地:江苏15楼2024-03-17 14:07

                        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端16楼2024-03-19 11:46

                          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端17楼2024-03-21 23:35