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一个虚假美国佬,气死我了。开开心心的一局游戏就变成键盘战,我手枪残局打完了,对手还夸crazy shoot。就他在这里aimbot cheater。从开始骂到结尾。
I hit a good shot in the first game and was scolded from start to finish by a fake Yankee who was judged to be a cheater.None of my opponents thought I was a cheater, and none of my teammates believed him.But the scolding he ensued messed up the game.I was so angry that I show his id ⃤ ⌞Alireza ShaH⌝⃤ . A fake American, connecting to a Hong Kong server for 60 pings.The act of typing and swearing people when not playing properly makes the gaming experience of all teammates terrible.The good mood is also ruined.

IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端1楼2024-02-26 10:38回复