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import numpy
two_d_array = numpy.array([
[11, 15, 10, 6],
[10, 14, 11, 5],
[12, 17, 12, 8],
[15, 18, 14, 9],
def traversal_elements(array):
for i in range(len(array)):
for j in range(len(array[0])):
def traversal_elements1(array):
for row in array:
for colum in row:
two fun() same?
Yes, the two functions traversal_elements and traversal_elements1 are doing the same thing. They both iterate through each element of the 2D array and print it out.
The first function traversal_elements uses traditional Python indexing to access each element of the array. It first iterates through the rows (using range(len(array))) and then within each row, it iterates through the columns (using range(len(array[0]))). It then prints the element at each row-column position.
The second function traversal_elements1 uses a more Pythonic approach to iterate through the array. It uses the fact that a 2D array can be treated as a list of rows, where each row is itself a list of elements. By using for row in array, it iterates through each row, and then using for colum in row, it iterates through each element in that row. It then prints the element.
Both functions achieve the same result of printing out all the elements of the 2D array, but the second function (traversal_elements1) is more concise and Pythonic in its approach.

IP属地:上海1楼2023-09-14 17:12回复