Here is a beginner-friendly deck that is easy to understand and learn: Monster Cards: 1. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda x3 2. Darkworld Pigtail x3 3. Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning x2 4. Spellbook Magician of Prophecy x2 5. Giant Growth x2 6. Whirlwind Weasel LV3 x2 7. Whirlwind Weasel LV1 x2 8. Summoner Monk x2 9. Blackwing - Bora the Spear x2 10. Archfiend of Gilfer x1 Spell Cards: 1. Heavy Storm x1 2. Nobleman of Crossout x1 3. Harpie's Feather Duster x1 4. Valley of the Wind x2 5. Curse of Anubis x2 6. Mind Control x2 7. Rescue Rabbit x2 8. Chain Strike x2 Trap Cards: 1. Banner of Courage x1 2. Magic Cylinder x1 3. Gravekeeper's Servant x1 4. Sakuretsu Armor x2 5. Hand of Surrender x2 6. Blood of the False x2 The main strategy of this deck is to summon powerful monsters and control the field with spell and trap cards. This beginner-friendly deck is a great way to learn the rules and basic gameplay of Yu-Gi-Oh! and improve your game skills. 这是英文版的