Shin meets up with Mouten and they discuss the idea of capturing Gian. Ten explains saying if they just stay there then the Zhao is sure to catch up to them and they're not sure how far Zhao's forces are spread out so rather than trying to push out of the Zhao forces they should head in towards Gian where the forces are lacking. Mouten thinks about it but says they won't be able to do it with just their numbers even if the Zhao won't have that many either. He says things would be different if they had a siege tower and Ten says they have one to his surprise. Hanzhen says it's not a siege tower, it's Koushun and he hasn't given permission to use her. Ten then says their main problem is what happens after taking Gian. She sees Mouten thinking and expects him to say it won't work out for them after taking the castle but Mouten says if two conditions are met then a path for them could open up. He says they're both conditions that require them to borrow the strength of another but it's something those who are there can do. Shin and Mouten decide to head towards Gian.
Shin meets up with Mouten and they discuss the idea of capturing Gian. Ten explains saying if they just stay there then the Zhao is sure to catch up to them and they're not sure how far Zhao's forces are spread out so rather than trying to push out of the Zhao forces they should head in towards Gian where the forces are lacking. Mouten thinks about it but says they won't be able to do it with just their numbers even if the Zhao won't have that many either. He says things would be different if they had a siege tower and Ten says they have one to his surprise. Hanzhen says it's not a siege tower, it's Koushun and he hasn't given permission to use her. Ten then says their main problem is what happens after taking Gian. She sees Mouten thinking and expects him to say it won't work out for them after taking the castle but Mouten says if two conditions are met then a path for them could open up. He says they're both conditions that require them to borrow the strength of another but it's something those who are there can do. Shin and Mouten decide to head towards Gian.