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IP属地:安徽1楼2022-08-23 16:51回复
    「How does a monk live as an island unto himself, being your own refuge, with no on else as your refuge, with the Dhamma as an island, with the Dhamma as your refuge, with no other refuge? Here, a monk abides contemplating the body as body, earnestly, clearly aware, mindful and having put away all hankering and fretting for the world, and likewise with regard to feelings, mind and mind-objects. 」
    「又,比丘如何保持正念明覺呢?比丘在前進後退時,要專注覺知當下的每一個動作、感受和思想,或者在前瞻後顧、彎曲伸直、穿衣持缽、食飲嚼吞、解大小便、行、站、坐、臥時,或者在清醒、言談、靜默時,皆要專注覺知當下的每一個動作、感受和念頭。 比丘當攝心正念明覺!這是我等的教示!」
    「And how is a monk clearly aware? Here, a monk, when going forward or backward, is aware of what he is doing; in looking forward or back he is aware of what he is doing; in bending and stretching he is aware of what he is doing; in carrying his inner and outer Robe and bowl he is aware of what he is doing; in eating, drinking, chewing and savouring he is aware of what he is doing; in passing excrement or urine he is aware of what he is doing; in walking, standing, sitting or lying down, in keeping awake, in speaking or in staying silent, he is aware of what he is doing. That is how a monk is clearly aware. A monk should be mindful and clearly aware, this is our charge to you! 」
    「And those who now in my time or afterwards live thus, they will become the highest, if they are desirous of learning.」

    IP属地:安徽2楼2022-08-23 16:51