关于镜像站anoneko的公告: 本站点,即日起停止服务。 This site no longer provides services, from now on. 很显然,dmhy.org的管理者并不乐见公益分流站点的存在,这也许影响了他们的广告收入。近日他们封锁了本站的服务器IP。 Apparently, the administrators of dmhy.org are not happy with the existence of a pro bono traffic distribution site, which may have affected their advertising revenue, and recently they blocked the server IP of this site. 虽然本站自投入使用以来从未在他们的基础上修改、额外添加广告,并如实传递源访客数据,但我们还是被迫跟大家说再见了。 Although this site has never modified or added extra ads on top of them and delivered source visitor data truthfully since it was put into use. We are still forced to say goodbye to everyone. 更换IP很容易,但只要dmhy.org管理者的想法不改变,这就没有意义。 While it is easy to change IP, it is pointless as long as the dmhy.org administrator's mind doesn't change. admin@anoneko.com