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官方制作团队接受了Oren Cohen的采访,标题It’s Time To Help An Astronaut On Your Phone Again,可以看一下。全英文,之后可能会翻译一下,挖个坑

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          IP属地:四川5楼2021-08-23 14:41
            It’s Time To Help An Astronaut OnYour Phone Again
            Dave Justus and the team behind the amazing Lifelinegames are making a comeback, and they answered many of your questions in thisinterview. Check it out!
            Dave Justus以及了不起的Lifeline游戏系列背后的制作团队归来了。在这个采访中,他们回答了你们许多问题。看看吧!
            By Oren Cohen/July 16, 2021/Blog
            作者 Oren Cohen/2021年7月16日/发布于个人博客
            Made by the author on Canva
            A few weeks ago, I reached out to Dave Justus –the writer of the original Lifeline mobilegame – to ask questions following a reveal that a new Lifeline game is in themaking years after the last one was released.
            Dave was kind enough to forward my questions alongsidefan questions to 3 min. games, and both he and the team answered many of them.Thank you again, Dave and co!
            Dave十分友好,他把我的问题连带粉丝们提出的问题转交给了3 MinuteGames工作室,由他和工作室的其他成员共同回答这些问题。再次向你们表示感谢,Dave和其他成员!
            Below you’ll find answers from Dave Justus, Colin Liotta,and Mars Jokela of 3 Minute Games, with the addition of special guest answersfrom Lilah Sturges.
            下面这些回答大部分来自3 Minute Games工作室的Dave Justus、Colin Liotta和 Mars Jokela,特邀嘉宾Lilah Sturges亦有作答。
            This Q&A is divided into two sections: The firstsection is comprised of my questions. The second part is solely comprised offan questions including an indication of the person who asked the question.
            Before we dive into the Q&A: If you’re unfamiliarwith the Lifeline series, they are mobile games where you chat with a fictionalperson on the other hand and help them with their quests. If you’re notcareful, your help could cost them their lives.
            I purchased and played the first lifeline game around2015-2016, and I immediately fell in love. I’m in no way sponsored by 3 Min.Games, but I would totally recommend these games to anyone who will ask.
            2015~2016年前后,我购买并游玩了第一款Lifeline游戏,瞬间我便爱上了这款游戏。我并没有得到3 Min.Games任何形式的赞助,但我肯定会跟有可能感兴趣的所有人推荐这个系列的游戏。
            If you’re reading these questions and answers and havenever played the games before – some of these answers include spoilers! I’llnot warn you again.
            Let’s dive in!

            IP属地:四川6楼2021-08-23 14:42
              Oren: Dave and co, thank you so much for taking the timeto answer these questions! Before we begin diving deeper into the actual game,I want to start with an introductory question: Can you tell us a bit about howthe lifeline games started and what ultimately happened that led to this “bigpause” that has now ended with the revival of the games?
              Dave: Mars and Colin from 3 Minute Games originally askedauthor Daryl Gregory to write the first Lifeline game.His schedule at the time didn’t allow it, so he was kind enough to suggest thatthey tap me for the job… and by doing so, he changed my life in ways I’ll neverbe able to repay. I had only a handful of professional credits at that point,so 3 Minute really took a chance on an unknown quantity when they brought me onboard. They gave me some parameters – this was to be a science fiction storyabout a marooned astronaut, gameplay should last about three days, here’s yourdeadline – but otherwise gave me free rein to create the character and world,which was a big gamble on their part. Fortunately, it seems to have paid off.
              Dave:最开始3 Minute Games的Mars和Colin邀请作家Daryl Gregory为初代Lifeline撰稿,而他当时的工作排程太满因而无法完成。承蒙他的好意,他建议将这个事情交给我来做……他的推荐改变了我的人生走向,我无以为报。那个时候我只有一小撮专业学分,所以3 Minute拉我入职这个举动的确相当于冒险赌一个未知数。他们给了我一些参数——我要写一个科幻故事,这个故事的主角是一个孤立无援的宇航员,游玩时长应该落在三天左右,这个是你交稿的截止期限——但此外他们也给了我自行构想角色和世界的自由,从他们的角度来想他们下了不少注。还好,他们的挹注似乎有了回报。
              The “big pause” that you reference was a result of 3Minute’s parent company, Big Fish Games, deciding to try some new things with theirinteractive fiction apps – which led to Lifeline Universe –but then ultimately deciding to focus on other priorities. Lifeline Universe never made it out of Androidbeta, so a lot of players – iOS users especially – never got to see thosegames. And by that point, the three of us had all gone our separate ways fromthe company. I’d given them an outline for the fourth Taylor game, Bad Astronaut, but I don’t know how much of it (if any)got used, because I never got to play it on my iPhone.
              你提到的“大停摆”是3 Minute的母公司Big Fish Games造成的,他们决定要在他们的互动小说应用尝试一些新玩意儿——最后带来了LifelineUniverse——但是最后他们决定专注于其它优先事项上。Lifeline Universe未曾走出Android公测正式发布,所以不少玩家——尤其是iOS用户——未曾见过那些游戏。而那个时候,我们三个都离开了公司走上不同的道路。我有给他们大纲做第四款Taylor游戏Bad Astronaut,但我不知道那个大纲有多少内容有被实际用上(如果确实有用的话),因为我一直未能在我的iPhone上玩到。
              The three of us started talking again last year, inhypothetical terms, about acquiring the rights to Lifeline and picking up where we’d left off. Colincan tell you more about what it took to move from “hypothetical” to “holy crap,this is happening,” but that’s where we are today: It’s happening, and wecouldn’t be more excited to be polishing up the old games and creating new onesto continue expanding the world of Lifeline!
              Colin: While at Big Fish, Mars and I ran a smallsemi-independent studio called 3 Minute Games where we tried out a wide varietyof different experimental game ideas. One of those experiments, Lifeline, succeeded beyond our wildest expectations andled us down a whole new path of creating interactive fiction games.
              Colin:还在Big Fish的时候,Mars和我经营着一个小型半独立工作室3 MinuteGames,我们在此尝试了各式各样实验性性质的游戏想法。其中的一个实验品Lifeline成功了,远远超过我们最狂野的期待,也带领我们走上了制作互动小说游戏的全新道路。
              As Dave mentioned, over time Mars and I left Big Fish andthe priorities within the company shifted. Unfortunately, this meant that theoriginal Lifeline games went un-updated for several yearsand there were no new stories in that series being created. The three of uskept in touch though, and after some discussions with Big Fish, we realizedthat we could start our own fully independent company and take complete controland ownership of the games. We are now thrilled to be able to breathe new lifeinto the original games and continue the stories that our fans (and us as well)have been waiting for.
              正如Dave刚才提到的那样,随着时间流逝Mars和我离开了Big Fish,而公司内的优先事项也转移了。很不幸,这就表示原版Lifeline游戏系列停止更新了许多年,同一系列下也没有新故事有在制作。不过我们三个倒是保持了联系,跟Big Fish的一番交谈过后,我们意识到我们可以创办我们自己的全独立公司,完全掌控游戏及其所有权。现在我们很激动,终于可以给原版游戏系列注入新生,继续粉丝们(当然还有我们)一直在期待的故事了。

              IP属地:四川7楼2021-08-23 15:46
                What can we expect to see in terms of storylines goingforward? Are you focusing only on Taylor at the moment, or are we going to seethe comeback of Arika and other characters?
                Dave: I don’t think it’ll surprise anyone when we saythat our first new game is a Taylor game. That character has struck a loud andresounding chord with fans – and, frankly, with us too. So we know what thisTaylor game is, and we have a good general idea of what the next one will be,too.
                But we’re mindful that Arika and Alex and Wynn all havetheir own fan clubs, and we’d love to dive back into those stories too. Rightnow, 3 Minute is a tiny company, so we want to be cautious about overpromising– but we’re ambitious and optimistic, and we’d love for Lilah Sturges to writeAlex out of that cliffhanger, and for Daryl Gregory to dig deeper into Wynn’sweird and horrific world, and for me to check in on Arika in the Quintessence…and about a million other ideas as well. So if things go the way we’re hoping,then yes, Taylor should have plenty of company in the future.
                但我们也考虑到Arika和Alex和Wynn都有他们自己的粉丝群体,我们也十分乐意返回去写这些故事。现在的情况是,3 Minute是一个小小公司,所以我们对过度承诺十分慎重——不过,我们又有野心又乐观,我们十分乐意让LilahSturges把Alex带出那个悬念,让Daryl Gregory深入挖掘Wynn那奇怪而令人战栗的世界,让我好好检查检查Quintessence里的Arika……以及上百万个其它故事。所以如果事情按照我们的愿望顺利进行,那么没错,Taylor未来应该会有大量的同伴。
                Mars: To add to that – we also know that plenty of fanswould love to hear from Adams and Blue again. It’s a little bit trickier for usto update the original Whiteout and tobring Whiteout 2 back around, but it’s on our minds too!
                Mars:补充一句——我们也知道不少粉丝想要再次看到Adams和Blue。要更新原版的Whiteout并带回来Whiteout 2对我们来说有点棘手,但我们也有这个想法!【译注:Lifeline Universe应用中有完整的Whiteout 2作为一代的续作,出自一代原作者之手,而现在Lifeline Universe被废弃了,因此说是“back”。】

                IP属地:四川8楼2021-08-23 16:07
                  Once the writing part is done, what needs to happen totransform a completed storyline into an app on our smartphones?
                  Colin: There are many different pieces that go intomaking the finished app. We try to create a unique art style for each game thatcan help to enhance the tone of the story. For example, in the original Lifeline the background and borders help to evokea feeling of desolation and alienness, whereas in Lifeline 2: Bloodline the font, scrollwork, andgolden borders all help to make it feel magical. Similarly, the music iscrafted to evoke different feelings and we fade between different music piecesas the story moves along.
                  Colin:有许多不同的部分会加入到制作最终应用的过程中去。我们努力为每一个游戏创造独特的艺术风格,藉此增强叙事基调。举例来说,最初代的Lifeline游戏中背景和边框有助于唤起一种荒凉和陌生的感觉,而Lifeline2: Bloodline中的字体、漩涡形的装饰以及金色的边框有助于让人产生魔幻的感觉。与之类似,音乐有意地制作成不同的感觉氛围,而我们也让不同的音乐片段随剧情发展切换时有了淡入淡出的效果。
                  On the coding side, we have created many differentengines for each of the different platforms that the games run on. There wasthe original iOS version written in Objective C, and the original Androidversion written in Java. But more recently we have also created a Unityversion, a web version, and a new iOS version that uses Swift and SwiftUI.
                  编程方面,我们有为每一个游戏运行平台搭建起不同的引擎。曾经有用Objective C写的原始 iOS版本和用Java写的原始Android版本。但更近期的时候我们同时也创造了Unity版、Web版以及使用Swift和SwiftUI的iOS新版。
                  Probably the trickiest (and most interesting) part forcoding the games is creating the seamless syncing between the phone and watchversions. Especially early on we had to dig very deep into the code for bothdevices to create an experience for the players that would ultimately feel verytransparent and magical.

                  IP属地:四川9楼2021-08-23 16:33
                    How long does the overall process take to bring an ideafor a lifeline story to an app on our phones?
                    Dave: My part of it, the writing, in an ideal world,takes about four months – from a blank page to a pitch to an outline to a fullywritten game. There’ve been a few cobwebs to shake off this time around, but aswe keep at this, my process should get smoother each time.
                    Mars: Most of the additional work that Colin mentionedcan be done at the same time as the writing. The only major thing that can’tbegin until the story is done is localizing to other languages. We care a greatdeal about localizing the games, not justtranslating them – this means the whole story is localized for the targetlanguage and audience, and the jokes and references are updated so they makesense for the people who will be reading them.
                    To localize one game usually takes about six to eightweeks or more, depending on the length of the game. Sometimes the new languagesare all done at once leading up to the initial release of the game, andsometimes they are done later, and the game is relaunched in the target regiononce the localization is complete.

                    IP属地:四川10楼2021-08-23 16:49
                      Dave, I remember you spoke in the past about using thetool Twine to write the storyline. Is that still the case? Do you have any tipsto share about writing a branching, multi-choice storyline like this?
                      Dave: I do still use Twine, and I’m quick to point outthat my personal preference is for Version 1 over Version 2. That’s simplybecause V1 seems to be geared more for the layperson, with color codes andalerts and hover text all designed to make it user-friendly for dummies likeme. V2 seems to cater more to those who already have some programming ability;it doesn’t hold my hand nearly as much as I need it to.
                      Dave:我确实还在用Twine,而我要毫不迟疑地指出我个人偏好使用版本1而非版本2。原因仅仅是V1似乎更多地面向外行人,有颜色标识和警告和悬停文本【原文“colorcodes and alerts and hover text”——译者】所有这些设计让它易于我这样的笨蛋用户使用。V2满足的似乎更多是已有编程能力的用户,而不是尽量贴近我的需要手把手地带我。
                      I think the best tip I can offer is: Don’t let your storyget away from you. When writing a branching narrative, it is extremely easy to just keep branching; you’llstart from a single passage, and even if you only present two choices (as we doin the Lifeline games), two becomes four becomes eightand so on, and you can very quickly find yourself writing dozens of tangentsthat distract from your narrative. So make sure that you periodically collapseeverything back into a single passage again, one that definitively moves thestory forward. It’ll make for a stronger, more propulsive narrative, and it’llalso help preserve your sanity behind the scenes.

                      IP属地:四川11楼2021-08-23 17:29
                        What kind of research or preparation do you do beforewriting characters like Taylor, Arika, and Alex?
                        Dave: Taylor is the most research-intensive of mycharacters. The amount of stuff I don’t know about outer space, you could justabout fit into outer space. So there’s a lot of Wiki wormhole time there,either checking to make sure I can do something in my outline, or discoveringsome interesting new factoid that then becomes part of the story. I try to putsome instructive science in each Taylor game as well, like the makeshiftcompass in the first game or the various fire extinguishers in Halfway To Infinity, so that if anyone gets caughtplaying the game during class, they can argue that they’re actually learningsomething.
                        Dave:Taylor是我的角色中研究最密集的【最需要研究的——译者】。我所不了解的关于外太空的知识量多到差不多能填满整个外太空了。所以我用了不少时间像蛀虫一样啃着维基【推测这里的“Wiki”指代维基百科而非其它维基项目——译者】,要么是检查确保我能在故事大纲上做点什么,要么就是寻找些后来成为故事一部分的有趣消息。我也尽力在每一个Taylor游戏中加入些教育科学,比如第一款游戏的临时指南针和Halfway ToInfinity中不同的灭火器,这样如果有人上课玩游戏被发现了,他们可以争辩说他们实际上确实学到了点东西。
                        With Arika, it was more about the geography of thePacific Northwest, and how long it would actually take to move between variouslocations. And for both characters, of course, I’m constantly confirming my popculture references and cataloguing various shades of green, so there are plentyof tabs open on my browser while I’m writing.
                        SPECIAL GUEST ANSWER FROM LILAH STURGES: I actuallydid a ton of research on our Alex! I spent some time talking to an actualhomicide detective to get an idea of what his job was like, and that gave me alot of insight into the job. This detective that I spoke to wasn’t tough orshowy or flashy — he was very thoughtful and soft-spoken, and I liked that alot for Alex. That’s a big part of where the character came from. The rest wasjust good old-fashioned book learnin’!
                        特邀嘉宾LILAH STURGES的回答:其实我在我们的Alex身上做了不少功课呢!我花了点时间与凶杀案侦探交谈,从而对他的工作有个大概的印象,也让我对这个工作有了点见解。我交谈的侦探不难搞,不迟钝,也不浮华——他很体贴,说话温柔,而我很希望Alex是那样。其余部分只是优质而老套的书本知识!

                        IP属地:四川12楼2021-08-23 18:04
                          After the release of the first Taylor game, the app storefilled with “lifeline-like” games, and I played some after I finished my otherlifeline games. None of them felt like the real deal because the UX waslacking. Is that something you recognized? Do you plan to offer the engineyou’re using as a separate tool people can use to publish their own stories?
                          Dave: I guess that depends on what “UX” encompasses foryou. My main goal was to make the games feel like conversations with realpeople… like you were actually getting texts from a friend, rather than promptsfrom a video game. Real people sometimes stumble over their words, or changedirections mid-thought, or make dumb jokes when they’re nervous. After writingTaylor as such an emotionally open character, I knew that Arika had a verydifferent voice; the player had to earn her trust and her confidence. When Iwork on dialogue – for these games, or for anything else I’m writing – I’lloften try it out loud, changing a word or inflection until it sounds exactlyright to my ear.
                          Colin: We are actually hard at work on developing a newweb-based tool that we’re calling LineEdit thatis designed to make it easier to create these specific types of games. The toolcan be used to author the game, but it also makes it easier for multiple peopleto collaborate on editing the story, and probably most importantly, it makes itmuch easier to translate the story into multiple languages. The Lifeline gameshave always been translated into at least 6 languages and many of the standardfile formats like Twine and Ink are not very well designed for translating, soit’s always been a bit of a struggle. For the future games we’re hoping to makethe whole process much faster, reliable, and easier, and assuming that the toolworks how we’re hoping then we’d be excited for other people to use it as well.

                          IP属地:四川13楼2021-08-23 18:39
                            Dave, the fact that Taylor’s gender is ambiguousfascinates many people and resonated with many non-binary people who played thegames. Was that something you considered while writing the character orsomething that came by as a result of “speaking directly” to the player? Didyou have a specific gender in mind when you wrote Taylor?
                            Dave: The idea of Taylor not having a specified genderwas already in place when I came on board, and I thought it was genius. Andeven though it was purposeful, I don’t think any of us anticipated just what apositive reaction we would see from the LGBTQ+ community. Taylor could bewhatever they most needed or wanted from the character. Players assigned Taylora gender, or no gender, often unconsciously – and we worked hard to make surenot to break that reality for anyone. (Which got really tricky with the introduction of the T2character… but we enjoy a challenge!)
                            Writing the first game, I thought of Taylor as male – andseveral of my friends have said they couldn’t help but picture my voice sayingTaylor’s dialogue. But after we started taking in the reaction from the fans,when I came back to write Silent Night, Ifound myself thinking of the character more as non-binary. It’s a questionpeople asked a lot when we would do, say,the #TalkToTaylor Twitter events – “Is Taylor male or female?” – but honestly,the more I write the character, the more I don’t thinkthere’s a definitive answer.

                            IP属地:四川14楼2021-08-23 19:05
                              Did you ever believe such a vibrant, colorful communitywould be founded around these stories?
                              Dave: In a million years, I couldn’t have predicted theresponse to these games. I mean, the download numbers were staggering enough…but then we started seeing fan art, cosplay, fan fiction. It was, frankly,completely overwhelming. As a creator, you always hope that your work isconnecting with people… but I don’t know that I ever believed my words would beso meaningful to so many.
                              And let’s be honest: Without the community of fanskeeping the lantern lit, even during the darkest times, we wouldn’t be havingthis conversation right now. The fact that the Lifeline Discordremained active, and hopeful, during the games’ absence was one of the topfactors in our decision to pursue the rights to make more of these games. Weowe our continued (and future) success to the fans, and that’s top of mind forus as we polish up the old games and work very hard to make sure that the newmaterial doesn’t disappoint.

                              IP属地:四川15楼2021-08-23 19:23