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What is the difference between astral projection and meditation?
By alaje • Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Question: Which is the different of the state of “a out of body experience” and the “meditation state”, is “a out of body experience” is useful for our evolvement, because of the realization that our real nature is our immortal soul?
Answer: Astral projection is only good, when it comes naturally. EVERYBODY is traveling naturally in the astral dimension while sleeping, but unconscious. The conscious Astral traveling should come naturally too, by it self. Not by force. Because if you open a door to early, and you don’t have the wisdom for it, you can make mistakes, channel wrong informations from bad entities, or worse.
First you have to become a master of your thoughts and feelings, because in the astral dimension, your thoughts and feelings are manifesting in an instance. You must have love in your thoughts and emotions, in order to manifest and attract only love energy. You have to be an adult in your mind. If you have hate, fear or depression inside, you will manifest it.
(所以我很担心追求出体的孩纸们 ,如果是自然的发生,那没有问题,如果是去追求这种体验,是危险的。)
----转自 昴宿星人ALAJE的问答

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