小浩吧 关注:846贴子:6,815
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来自iPhone客户端1楼2021-03-29 00:40回复
    好久没流过眼泪了,控制不住的小泪珠开始往下掉,小时候是一个很爱哭的男孩子,遇到一点就困难就会哭,会不会是太爱哭,把以后的泪水都哭干了,今天和他发生了点事情,导致我很委屈,他越向我低头我就觉得自己越委屈,然后眼泪就开始自己掉,不可控 想想自己真幼稚 但也真的委屈,我希望那一天能晚一点到来

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2021-03-29 00:46
      I can't see our future, maybe we will have an unhill climb,maybe there will be friction, quarrels or even a cold war between us,but I still think we can all be together,because in my life,I met a lot of people and nobody feels like you.
      You have beautiful eyes and I can see the truth in your eyes.I want to tell you everything, but I can't tell you anything, it's hard for me . And just want to say: I want to do everything, if I can,I want to with you …together.
      I don't need to be understood,we're just us.

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2021-03-29 14:49