毒刺水母-β地区形态 水 · 火 分类:毒辣婊剥壳梦 英文名:Tentacruel-β 百事通-维希斯剥壳梦图鉴编号:003 性别比例:母 100% 获得方式: 描述:长期在温暖潮湿的地区生活,不需要靠毒捕杀猎物,毒性逐渐消失。用触手勾引人跟适应浦西环境的能力逐渐提高。绝招是用触手深入浦西放出的热辣黑洞。 假说:海洋专家认为β地区的毒刺水母因为在温暖而潮湿的环境里生活,所以逐渐适应了高温,获得了火系。(摘自《PU_SSY》第213期) Description: Accustomed to the hot and damp environment in β-region and having no need to worry about food, Tentacruel gradually lost control over toxic substances. It lures humankind with tentacles and makes fast adjustments to various p*ssies. It takes pride in the Spicy Blackhole which fills your p*ssy with sticky spicy tentacles. Hypothesis: Authorities in Marine Creatures think Tentacruels in β region adapt to extremely high temperature and acquire Fire-Type after living in warm and damp surroundings for a long time.
鲶鱼王 水 · 地面 分类:大智慧剥壳梦 英文名:Whiscash 百事通-维希斯剥壳梦图鉴编号:004 性别比例:公 50%,母 50% 获得方式:盖欧卡携带王者之证通信进化 描述:同时掌握了大地和海洋之力的剥壳梦。在维希斯海洋中不断舞动神秘的身姿,用龙的威严震慑对手,掀起滔天巨浪。 Description: Whiscash is the very pokemon that controls both the earth and the ocean. It dances mysteriously in the Wished Ocean, intimidating predators with draco soul and generating tides which overlay the sky.
大翔蛇 地面 · 钢 分类:粪便剥壳梦 英文名:Shitlix 百事通-维希斯剥壳梦图鉴编号:005 性别比例:无性别 获得方式:剧情中战胜别虐胱布后,二周目在胱布家的撤朔定点捕捉(Lv.65)。 别虐胱布图鉴中的描述:大钢蛇拉了,进化成大翔蛇。 正统百事通-维希斯图鉴的描述:别虐胱布用黑魔法召唤出的不存在的剥壳梦。浑身散发着恶臭的气息,喜欢在下水道中游走。 Description in Don't Abuse Espeon's Pokedex: The Steelix went to toilet. Then came the Shitlix. Description in Authentic Best Wishes Pokedex: Shitlix was invoked by Don't Abuse Espeon with his black magic. It has been radiating disgusting aura since it was born, wandering in the drain system all the time.
绿鸟神 超能 · 飞 分类:绿色剥壳梦 英文名:Xatugreen 百事通-维希斯图鉴编号:006 性别比例:50% 公,50% 母 获得方式:裂空座与未知图腾合体 描述:很久很久以前,盘踞在天空之柱顶端的鸟剥壳梦。轻轻扇动翅膀,便会掀起七天七夜的狂风。绿色的羽毛闪动着夺目的光芒,据说用绿鸟神的羽毛做成的羽织水火不入。 Description: Long long ago, this pokemon occupied the top of the Sky Pillar. It dominates the brutal hurricane with a simple motion of its wings. Green feathers sparkle the blinding light. It is said that the feather coat made of its feathers is immune to any attacks.
纽拉神 恶 · 冰 分类:很强剥壳梦 英文名:Weabrutal 百事通-维希斯图鉴编号:007 性别比例:公 50%,母 50% 获得方式:剧情击败别虐胱布后,在冰月幻蓝山顶部定点捕捉(Lv.65)。 描述:曾经被别虐胱布宣判为没用的剥壳梦,后来别虐胱布用玛狃拉作为黑魔法的实验品,阴差阳错制造出了纽拉神。纽拉神,很强,而势利的别虐胱布,自然而然,成了它的舔狗。 Description: Weabrutal was once titled "The Usesless" (Out of the respect for science, I spelt the word true to the original work and didn't correct Don't Abuse Espeon's foolish mistake.) by Don't Abuse Espeon. Afterwards, Don't Abuse Espeon tested black magic on a Weavile, and created Weabrutal by accident. Weabrutal has an overwhelming power. Naturally, Don't Abuse Espeon the Snobbish, became the lickdog of it.