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E cat SKL公展日期地点已定,人类首个大功率可移动冷核发电机


E cat SKL公展日期地点已定,此日期即此冷核发电机量产之日,人类又添了一伟大新能源,正宗官科人要睁眼刮目相看
So it appears that the general plan for the presentation will be to show the E-Cat SKL powering LED lights — which are well known to be the most energy efficient types of light available. If the E-Cat SKL is providing kW levels of power, it should be able to illuminate a vast number of LEDs.
Here’s a new comment from Rossi in response to a comment that LEDs don’t consume much power, and that an LED can be powered by a potato:
Andrea Rossi
March 7, 2021 at 7:01 AM
Leds consume less than incandescence lamps, but their consume is not “potatoes”.
We are talking of series of 200 Watts lamps, not of the 1 W lamps you probably are thinking of, that are used in electronic circuits.
We’ll see the numbers ( and the COP ) at the presentation. Light consumes the 58% of the energy produced in the world by fossil fuels, notwithstanding the wide diffusion of led lamps.
Warm Regards,

IP属地:上海1楼2021-03-08 07:48回复