以下原文摘自Terraria Wiki Fandom(本人不建议去看中文版,因为页面设计有些潦草,且很久都没有更新了。不过鼠标变成了泰拉之刃,也挺有意思的)。
The name Terra Blade may be a combination of Terraria and Blade.
The name might also come from the Latin word Terra, which means earth.
The weapon is possibly a representation of purity, as its ingredients come from both light (True Excalibur) and darkness (True Night's Edge) to form a green (the color of nature) blade.
译文:“泰拉之刃”这个名字可能是“泰拉瑞亚”与“刃”的结合。(译者按:“泰拉瑞亚”的原名叫Terraria,“泰拉之刃”的原名叫Terra Blade)