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【歌词】东方神起 - Share The World[日文+罗马+中文]


あの大空に届くまで   I Believe 一つの明日へ Yeah Yeah-
a no oo zo ra ni to do ku ma de   I Believe hi to tsu no a shi tae Yeah Yeah-
为了拥抱著那片天空   I Believe 奔向同一个明天 Yeah Yeah-
Hey! Come one Let's go everybody oh- We share the Music.(We share the Music)
Come on Let' s go Baby Baby oh- We share the One dream, wow-
Come on Let' s go Everybody oh- we share the Good times.(We share the Good time)
Come on Let' s go Baby baby oh we share the One world, now!
ku ra ya mi ma yo i ko mi te sa gu ri de na zo to ki
yu ki sa ki mi e zu ni ta chi do ma ru to ki
Umm You And Me Yes 分かち合う世界に
Umm You And Me Yes ki mo chi wa ka chi au se ka i ni
Umm You And Me Yes 分享著共有的世界
导き I Feel The Beat 步き出してく Oh Yeah-
mi chi bi ki I Feel The Beat a ru ki da-shi te-ku Oh Yeah-
引导 I Feel The Beat 开始的旅程中 Oh Yeah-
Share the music   いつだって
Share the music     i tsu da tte
Share the music   在任何时刻
Share the one dream 信じあって
Share the one dream    shi n ji a tte
Share the one dream    信赖著彼此
Share the good times 手をつないで
Share the good times   te wo tsu na i de
Share the good times 互相连接的手
Share the one world now
Share the one world now
Share the one world now
あの大空に届くまで   何度でも仆は行けるんだ
a no oo zo ra ni to do ku ma de    na n do de mo bo ku na yu ku n da
为了拥抱著那片天空   再多障碍都无法阻止前进的路
今こそ越えて行こう I Believe 一つの明日へ Yeah Yeah-
i ma ko so ko e te yu ku   I Believe hi to tsu no a shi tae Yeah Yeah-
此刻超越阻碍出发吧   I Believe 奔向同一个明天 Yeah Yeah-
Come one Let's go Everybody. Oh, we share the Music.(We share the Music)
Come on Let' s go Baby Baby. Oh, we share the One world, now!
追いかけ 追われて メビウスの环の上
o i ka ke o wa re te me bi u su no wa n o u e
追赶或者 被追赶 在 Mebius环上的追逐
近づき 前向き ねぇ Share したいよ Style
chi ka zu ki ma e mu ki ne e Share shi ta i yo Style
想靠近 朝前方望去 Share 想成为的 Style
始まる 広がる 想像以上 この Flavor
ha ji ma ru hi ro ga ru so u zo u jyo u ko no Flavor
开始 延伸这 令人意想不到的 Flavor
身体中 I Feel So Good 自由になれる Oh Yeah-
ka ra da jyu u I Feel So Good jyo u ni na re ru Oh Yeah-
在体内 I Feel So Good 已适应了自由 Oh Yeah-
Share the music 远くたって
Share the music to o ku ta tte
Share the music 不论多遥远
Share the one dream 传え合って
Share the one dream tsu ta e a tte
Share the one dream 互相传递著
Share the good times そう笑って
Share the good times so u wa ra tte
Share the good times 展开了笑容
Share the one world now
Share the one world now
Share the one world now
见えない璧の向こう 侧に待っている君がいたんだ
mi e na i ka be no mu ko u ka wa ni ma tte i ru ki mi ga i ta n da
面对无形围墙的阻挡 连在一旁等待的你都感到疼痛
もうすぐに届くから I Believe 一つの世界へ Yeah Yeah-
mo u su gu ni to do ku ka ra I Believe hi to tsu no se ka i e Yeah Yeah-
也必须排除万难抵达    I Believe 奔向同一个世界 Yeah Yeah-
Come one Let's go Everybody. Oh, we share the Music.
Come on Let' s go Baby baby. Oh, we share the One dream.
Come on Let' s go Everybody. Oh, we share the Good times.
Come on Let' s go Baby baby. Oh, we share the One world .(Wow-)
あの大空に届くまで    何度でも仆は行けるんだ
a no oo zo ra ni to do ku ma de na n do de mo bo ku na yu ku n da
为了拥抱著那片天空    再多障碍都无法阻止前进的路
今こそ越えて行こう    I Believe 一つの明日へ Yeah Yeah-
i ma ko so ko e te yu ku    I Believe hi to tsu no a shi tae Yeah Yeah-
此刻超越阻碍出发吧    I Believe 奔向同一个明天 Yeah Yeah-
见えない璧の向こう 侧に待っている君がいたんだ
mi e na i ka be no mu ko u ka wa ni ma tte i ru ki mi ga i ta n da
面对无形围墙的阻挡 连在一旁等待的你都感到疼痛
もうすぐに届くから I Believe 一つの世界へ Yeah Yeah-
mo u su gu ni to do ku ka ra I Believe hi to tsu no se ka i e Yeah Yeah-
也必须排除万难抵达    I Believe 奔向同一个世界 Yeah Yeah-
Come one Let's go Everybody Oh we share the Music, (hey-)
Come on Let' s go Baby baby Oh we share the One dream, (wow-)
Come on Let' s go Everybody Oh we share the Good times.(We share the Good time)
Come on Let' s go Baby baby Oh we share the One world.

1楼2010-03-03 20:21回复