Switch from squares to hexagons changing the way the game plays. More room for maneuvers and more tactical options.
- Changes to combat. More depth in combat, no more stacking of units. This will lead to bigger focus on terrain.
战斗改变,更有深度的战斗,不再堆积战斗单位,这样地形会发挥更大作用。 (斯巴达300勇士?我也斯巴达了)
- Inspired by Panzer General.
- Reintroduction of Bombardment, now archers and siege equipment can shoot over melee units.
- Better diplomatic AI.
- More diplomatic options between players.
玩家间更多的外交选项 (还是那句话,外交还不够好吗? )
- Less "cheating" AI.
更聪明的AI (更少作弊)
- Religion is not a factor anymore.
信仰将不再是因素(是说被取消了么? 为什么不留着?)
- Ressources are not infinite. For example one source of horse only supplies enough horses for 1 unit, but when that horseman dies the horses will respawn as a unit. (this confused me alittle, i guess we will have to watch it in action)
资源不再是无限的了,比如说一个马匹资源对应一个马匹作战单位,当这个单位死亡的时候,马匹会再重生。 (个人感觉应该设计成一个马匹让你每回合全国内能造一个骑兵好些,难道如果就一匹马的话必须等骑兵挂了才能生产第二个么,这个太斯巴达了……)
- City States as a sort of small countries that never develop beyond their single city. They can provide bonusses if you befriend them, or you can take over their land.
城邦将会是一些永远不会超过一个城市的国家,你要是对他们有好或者占领他们的话会有奖励(这个不是进化版蘑菇么? )
- Civics are out, now there is something called "Social Policies".
- About the same amount of wonders, the tech tree will feel familiar. Great People still in.
- Some victory conditions changed. For example in Conquest you only have to capture all the other capitals. Eliminates boring mop up phase.
有些胜利条件改了,比如说征服胜利你只是要把所有首都打下来。 减少了无聊的打扫战场时间
- Unique Civ leader bonusses, no more standard "Spiritual" or "Financial".
每个首领会有独特的特性,不会再有类似‘理财’或者‘虔信’的属性了(这个好 )
- DirectX 11 support.
支持directx 11(我完了……directx9………… )
- Built in webbrowser. Sid Meier is also working on a facebook application of Civilization.
内置网络浏览器,大神现在正在致力于文明在facebook上的应用?(到我家文明来偷菜? 国内的兄弟们华丽的无视这个吧…… )