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这个native speaker,经常在吧里混的人应该很熟悉,就是Khada

IP属地:北京1楼2020-07-19 11:37回复
    赞一个 Khada

    IP属地:北京来自Android客户端5楼2020-07-19 11:55
      问题:Do you think it is a bad thing to disagree with team members? Why?
      答案:I don't think anyone with
      a sane mind would actually believe that it's a bad thing to disagree with your teammates. Disagreements can either
      lead to conflicts or improvements and as to which direction it would go depends on how tactful you are at
      handling disagreements.
      lead to 导致
      conflict 矛盾,冲突
      tactful 圆滑的(但是是褒义词)
      handle disagreements 处理不同意见

      IP属地:北京来自Android客户端9楼2020-07-19 11:57
        That’s nice sis. I haven’t gotten any time to read through those responses lol. So they are probably rife with mistakes lol

        来自iPhone客户端14楼2020-07-19 12:22

          IP属地:北京来自Android客户端16楼2020-07-19 12:30
            What if I get the word "Progression" Replaced by the one "Progress" ?
            What's the difference between "Motivate" and "Actuate" ? 继续谢谢。

            IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端17楼2020-07-19 12:36
              问题:Why do some people prefer to work in large companies, rather than small ones? (来自雅思考试)
              回答:It depends on what you want. Some people want a glorious career path where they can see their progression from a low level clerk to a high level leader. They are mostly motivated by money, power and fame (somewhat to that degree).
              As for some other people, they just want to have a work-life balance. Smaller companies don't demand the employees to work overtime on a regular basis so for people just want to have a 9-5 job, smaller companies are just more suitable for their needs.
              career path 职业路线
              progression from A to B 从A发展到B
              clerk 小职员
              motivate = inspire 激励
              money, power, and fame 名利权
              work-life balance 工作生活平衡
              work overtime 加班
              on a regular basis 通常
              a 9-5 job 朝九晚五的工作

              IP属地:北京来自Android客户端18楼2020-07-19 13:12
                问题:Should people stay in their hometown and find jobs there? Why? (来自雅思考试)
                回答: The word “should” has too strong a connotation of obligation so I don’t think anyone “should” stay anywhere.
                I do understand the intention behind this idea though because it’s getting increasingly disheartening to witness a slew of brain drain on smaller cities when talented people flock on to bigger places.
                I think it’s important to cultivate an appreciation of one’s hometown and hopefully, that will in turn make them want to return there one day to contribute further.
                brain drain: 人才流失
                cultivate an appreciation:培养感激之情

                IP属地:北京来自Android客户端19楼2020-07-19 13:13

                  IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端20楼2020-07-19 17:14
                    问题:Do you care about people's opinion about you? Why or why not? (来自雅思考试)
                    Again, the answer is it depends.
                    I don’t care about what people think of me when they are just random strangers on the internet. Because under the anonymity of the Internet, my words don’t usually have consequences. Yes I know it sounds like a coward mindset but that’s just how humans are.
                    In real life, however, I always have to remind myself to be careful. Unlike the Internet, people can see your actions clearly and they can affect you in a bad way if they don’t like how you act. Hence I have to care about how they see me.
                    But being a principled person as I am trying to be, I’m learning to even discard “caution in the wind” in real life. Some values can’t be compromised and standing up for those values is more important than caring about how others see you, no matter how negative it is.
                    random stranger 路人
                    anonymity n.匿名性
                    consequence n.后果
                    mindset n.思想
                    affect v.影响(通常是不好的影响)
                    principled adj.有规矩的
                    throw caution to the wind/winds : to do something without worrying about the risk or negative results 毫无顾忌
                    compromise v. 妥协、这种

                    IP属地:北京21楼2020-07-19 17:43
                      问题:Do you think actors need to be beautiful or handsome? Why? (来自雅思考试)
                      Do they HAVE to be attractive? Not necessarily, actors like Adam Driver and Danny DeVito are widely recognized as having a successful career and they aren’t beautiful.
                      However, that’s just the exception to the rule. Most people in the entertainment industry are more or less good looking and this makes sense.
                      Think about it. You, an ordinary person who comes home from work, exhausted from the day. You flop onto your couch and turn on the TV. What do you want to see? A bunch of talented but hideous people going around clowning themselves or a bunch of talented but gorgeous people doing the same thing? Of course the chances are you would choose to look at beautiful things. You’ve had enough ugly reality throughout the day so naturally, when you can choose, you choose to see a pretty fantasy.
                      There’s also a gender caveat when it comes to beauty. From my experience people are slightly forgiving to ugly but talented male actors but not so when it comes to their female counterpart. As you know, we are familiar with the concept of “objectification of women”.
                      Danny Devito长这个样,演过‘飞跃疯人院’

                      attractive adj.有吸引力的
                      a successful career 成功的职业
                      exceptions to the rule 例外
                      the entertainment industry 娱乐圈
                      good looking 好看的
                      make sense v.有道理
                      ordinary people 普通人
                      exhausted ad.累坏了的
                      flop onto your couch 倒在你的沙发上
                      turn on the TV 开电视
                      talented adj. 有才的
                      hideous adj. 丑陋的,难看的
                      clown v. 扮丑
                      gorgeous ad. 漂亮的
                      You've had enough ugly reality throughout the day. 一天看的丑恶已经够多的了
                      a pretty fantasy 美好的幻想
                      forgiving ad. 宽恕的,原谅的
                      counterpart (person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as sb or sth else) 相对应或具有相同功能的人或物
                      when it comes to 想到,提到
                      objectification of women 物化女性
                      另:我不知道a gender caveat (?)是啥意思,@Khada🍺 来解释下吧

                      IP属地:北京25楼2020-07-19 18:59
                        问题:What are the factors that affect the students in choosing their career? (来自雅思考试)
                        回答:Jokes aside, while I do believe financial motivation is probably one of the most crucial factors I think other reasons such as passion and fulfillment are just as important.
                        A job is something that you have to deal with every day, sometimes for long hours. In order to sustain your energy on doing the same task for long hours, passion really comes in handy. It gives you some enjoyment doing the same thing over and over again and more importantly it provides with a purpose.
                        Fulfillment is another factor that I think a lot of people don’t consider but is actually important in the long run. Yes you may be passionate for ladder climbing in a corporate firm and you are earning big bucks because of it but to what end? What is the ultimate takeaway you want to get at the end of your career? What lessons have you learnt and how proud are you of your job?
                        When people, especially young adults, think of a career choice most of them focus on just money and passion. But to me, fulfillment is more important than both because it ties to my overall well-being.
                        financial motivation 钱带来的动力
                        a crucial factor 相当重要的因素
                        passion n. 热情
                        fulfillment n. 满足
                        deal with v.处理
                        sustain your energy v.保持精力
                        come in handy v.(turn out to be useful) 有用
                        enjoyment n.享受
                        over and over again 一遍又一遍
                        provide A with B v. 给A提供B
                        in the long run 长期,最终
                        passionate ad.热情的
                        ladder climbing n.(职场)晋升
                        earn big bucks v.赚好多钱
                        to what end 目的是什么呢?end的意思是’目的‘
                        takeaway (a main point or key message to be learned or understood from something experienced or observed) 结论,结果
                        career choice n. 职业选择
                        wellbeing (=the state of feeling healthy and happy)n. 幸福安康

                        IP属地:北京26楼2020-07-19 19:26

                          IP属地:北京28楼2020-07-19 19:44

                            IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端29楼2020-07-19 20:58

                              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端30楼2020-07-19 22:46