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IP属地:广西1楼2020-06-14 22:33回复

    IP属地:广西2楼2020-06-14 22:35
      "Rest yourself man!"
      Commanded the mercenary commander. The Knight of the Radiant Cross gazed up at the rugged man gratefully, and allowed himself to sag against his polehammer. His heavy armour was battered and crushed in some places, his tabbard was tattered and torn, however the insignia emblazoned proudly on his chest was oddly still untouched. The man had obviously gone through great lengths to protect the device he held so dearly.
      "They came from no-where"
      The knight started once he had sufficient breath back. He lowered his gaze in tiredness once again, the full weight of their challenge once more thrust upon his shoulders.
      "We have been fighting the Cult for years before you and your men arrived here in Amala. You should have come when the grandmaster showed us all the threat, the delay has given the Snake Goddess time to reorganise her forces, and forge new equipment. Some of her followers are even rumoured to have begun to brew poisons of a type we have never even seen before."
      "Do they bleed?"
      The commander enquired, seeming to ignore the discomfort the man was showing.
      "Of course"
      The knight locked eyes with the mercenary once more, and the two men began to smile, the bared teeth of the exhausted fighter glinted redly in the late day sunlight.

      IP属地:广西3楼2020-06-14 22:35
        Snake Sect
        The Snake Sect are the Minor Faction, and rely on numbers rather than power, they are generally poorly equipped (all the good stuff goes to the Enclaves). One needs to be on their toes fighting them however, as those who grow confident in their abilities will find themselves surprised by the Minor Priestesses who lead these bands, ably supported as she is by small units of Enclave units who form an elite core to their armies.
        The Converts are the cannon fodder of the Cult, they are armed with light / medium armour and use axe and shield as weapons. The role of the Converts is primarily to soak up the arrows and bolts of their foes, and then to bring their axes in to play to destroy the enemy shields, meaning the more powerful weapons of the Believers, Zealots and Enclaves can get the kill more easily.
        The Believers are considered of a higher class than the Converts, and are entrusted with the use of crossbows. They do not have particular skill, but the stopping power of their weapons is impressive. They are poorly equipped for melee, trusting their survival rather to the Converts and Zealots.
        Most of the horses in the Cult go to the Enclaves, however the Sect does maintain a small mounted unit, mostly used as a kind of riot police. They wield heavy truncheons, and have better armour than the majority of the Sect.

        IP属地:广西5楼2020-06-14 22:37

          IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端6楼2020-06-14 22:49
            Snake Dominion
            Although Snake Cult armies do use troops from both the Sect and Dominion, only the Dominion lines are connected closely enough to Azi Dahaka so as to benefit from a share of her power. A Snake Dominion army uses both Sect and Dominion troops, in roughly equal numbers (depending on the Lord). Each Lord (Snake Priestesses are the "Lords" of the Snake Dominion) has an enclave which they support, and will only field knights of that single enclave. This means that the Snake Dominion is most vulnerable when divided as you can exploit their weaknesses, however should a Snake Dominion campaign show up on your borders, it is time to become afraid, very afraid. When fighting together the various Enclaves will complement each other, wiping out the weakness which could have been exploited alone. The very best of each enclave tends to have a different fighting style to their comrades, and has honed those particular skills to frightening levels, equal to that of the dedicated Knighthood Orders found throughout Amala and Pendor.
            The Enclaves
            The Enclaves are the main military power for the Snake Cult, housing what are essentially extended Knighthood Orders within. There are three, each with their own particular flavour. Note the description of the Tyrants covers the whole line (Errant, Knight, Champion and Tyrant) and that of the enclave specials does likewise for their branch. Also a quick note on the Cult poisons, for release they are weapons which do increased damage above and beyond that found in normal equipment, however in a future expansion we are planning to add effects to the poisons depending on enclave. These will range from increased damage (Viper), damage over time (Cobra) and skill debuffs (Anaconda).

            IP属地:广西7楼2020-06-14 22:50
              The Enclave of the Cobra
              Cobra Tyrants:
              The main line of the Cobra are just as we know and love from PoP3, well armoured knights with a fearsome two handed axe and javelins. The Cobra troops are the most balanced of the Enclaves, with a good mix of damage and armour. Their attacks are a little slow, but those that land are devastating. The Cobra's are the best horsemen of the Cult, well able to guide their horses through enemy ranks with such power that enemy soldiers are scattered before them. The job of the Cobra's are to be the sledgehammer for the Cult. They tear into the enemy and use their axes to wreck the defences of their foes. They also have enough staying power to hold the line, should the Cult decide the fight more defensively, or to defend a wall in a siege.
              Cobra Venomblades:
              The Venomblades have forgone their mounts and adopted lethal throwing axes which they throw with unerring accuracy, and the slightest touch of one usually means death. Luckily they cannot carry very many, but they use the iconic two handed axes of their Tyrant brethren, but coated in the same vile poison as their throwing axes. The Venomblades provide a short ranged solution for the general lack of ranged units in the Cult. They then back this up with solid blows from their axes, able to sweep through enemy infantry lines with ease.

              IP属地:广西8楼2020-06-14 22:50

                IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端9楼2020-06-14 22:50

                  IP属地:广西10楼2020-06-14 22:52

                    IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端11楼2020-06-14 23:00

                      IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端12楼2020-06-14 23:01

                        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端14楼2020-06-14 23:11

                          IP属地:山东来自Android客户端15楼2020-06-14 23:12

                            IP属地:河南来自Android客户端16楼2020-06-15 00:47