我也是刚看这个甜甜圈教程,碰到和你一样的问题了,不过我从youtube上原视频里最高赞那个回答看到的方法已经冒烟了,哈哈,没有啥replay和final,我给你贴一下: 1. Add monkey 2. select monkey in object mode 3. F3 -> add Quick Smoke 4. (different to video) select monkey 5. choose Physics->Setting->Flow Type : "FIre + Smoke" 6. (different to video) select "Smoke Domain" object 7. in physics panel click "Bake Data" and wait... (progress in status bar on the bottom) 8. after it 's finished click play to start animation. 照着做就行了。然后默认是只bake了50帧,你可以按照下一条方法全部bake,我bake了250帧发现这么简单一个效果都这么长时间,我电脑是真的要换了。 default only 50 frames are animated. you can change this in phisics->cache-> Frane End (you have to Resume or Free and Bake again ... see point 7)