The Crabby Hermit and Crabking are retrofitted into existing world. 已有的世界中加入了寄居蟹和帝王蟹。 The player can now board boats while mounted. 玩家可以在骑着牛的时候上船了。 The player can now board boats while lifting a heavy object. 玩家可以在背着重物的时候上船了。 The distance you can jump to embark and disembark has been adjusted and is now based on how fast your character is moving. 上下船时能跳跃的距离调整为与人物速度正相关。 Irreplaceable inventory items no longer slip out of your inventory when drowning in the ocean. 当在海上淹死时,irreplaceable类的物品不会从玩家身上掉进海里了。 Creatures that follow you onto a boat will now wash ashore (instead of die) when the boats sinks. 跟随玩家而登船的生物会在船只沉没后“游”回岸边,而不是直接死亡。 Changed the ingredients required to craft the Tackle Receptacle. 调整了Tackle Receptacle的制作材料。 Boat Patch also repairs boat damage. 船补丁也能回复船只耐久度了。 Added Clean Sweeper for changing item skins. 新增Clean Sweeper,用来更换已有的物品的皮肤。