Beta Update: Hook, Line, and Inker · New Features 全新内容: Teeming ocean life and new recipes to cook. 丰富的海上生活与全新的烹饪食谱。 Craftable Sea Fishing Rod, Tackle Receptacle and more. 可以制作海钓竿、渔具容器和其他物品。 Craftable Fish Scale-O-Matic for bragging rights. 可以制作鱼缸电子秤,以向他人吹嘘自己。 · Changes 内容修改: Crafting the Anchor, Mast, and Steering Wheel will no longer produce their 'Kit' item. They are now crafted and placed like most other structures. Existing 'Kit' items will still work as normal. 制作船锚、船帆和舵轮时不会得到它们的工具套装了。而是像其他建筑一样直接放置。已有的工具套装的使用不受影响。 The Fish caught from Ponds have been replaced with Freshwater Fish which can be weighed or murdered to produce meat. 池塘中钓的鱼改为淡水鱼,可以称重,也可以在杀害后得到肉。 While a fish is being held by Wurt, it will remain alive longer. 当沃特携带活鱼时,鱼能存活更久。(沃特更新时的一条内容,这次才有效) Wurt will lose sanity while holding Fish Meat, Fish Morsel, or Spoiled Fish 沃特携带小鱼肉、大鱼肉和死鱼时会降低理智值。