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Killsquad v0.7.0更新内容


1楼2019-09-07 10:28回复
    Killsquad update v0.7.0
    - Added the Colosseum of the Unseen:
    · During contracts, a portal can appear during veteran missions to challenge players, but you can't enter if there are any Nightbringers and The Federation around.
    · Added two new end-game Colosseum contracts at Vector 110. They can award you with items up to vector 110.
    · Colosseums inside missions award you with Unseen Trinkets, extra loot and EXP.
    · Colosseum Contracts awards you with Unseen Trinkets, extra loot and even more EXP for your reputation.
    Wait, Experience points?
    - Added a new reputation system:
    · Each time you complete a Colosseum challenge, you gain experience. Level up to earn ranks that can be displayed under your nickname.
    · This is a sneak peak of what we are working right now for future updates, where players can earn more titles after they hit a set of varied milestones.
    - New vendor during missions:
    · Added a new vendor inside contracts. Now it can appear randomly near the end of the mission, where it sells weapons and gears with the player's current Vector. Its items are more expensive, but you can see what upgrades they have.
    - Community request:
    · Added Recruit/Veteran Quickplay: Players who join Quickplay, will be able to connect with other players who are inside the Quickplay contract. Players with higher vectors
    will earn weapons/gears based on its current vector, even if they are paired with someone with less vectors.
    · Added 21:9 UltraWide Screen support.
    · Added new enemy buffs.
    · Added the descriptions of Upgrades that aren't unlocked yet in the inventory menu.
    · Buffed the stats of OHGUR's Weapons.
    · Balanced the speed of the black spheres that some enemies can throw to players.
    · Balanced the health increase of enemies in multiplayer with 2P, 3P and 4P.
    · Fixed the players being able to receive duplicated upgrades on their gears (Extra Loot Chance From Rank S Enemies).
    · Fixed the bug where the Upgrades: Damage Dimensional, Damage Phase Thrust, Damage Stop and Extra Damage Against Armor didn't work.
    · Fixed the bug where players in multiplayer could receive rewards from other planets.
    · Fixed some Zero's projectiles being heard in multiplayer even when the player is far away.
    · Fixed the bug of the Vector numbers not being updated in their Hero icons.
    · Fixed the bug where players in multiplayer couldn't see the charge trail of fire of Blood Arisera.
    · Fixed the bug where clients couldn't distinct in multiplayer the Abomination's green spiders.
    · Fixed the issue where the GAME OVER screen appeared even if the last remaining player successfully revived a teammate before dying.
    · Fixed Zero's skill, Big Heal pack not disappearing after a while and players being able to stack a pile.
    · Added sounds in Blood Arisera when they are preparing to charge towards a player.
    · Added sounds in the walking animations of Jotun and Thunder Jotun.
    · Added sounds in the enemy Gorus during their stunned animation.
    · Added sounds on Zero's walking/running/strafing animation.
    · Added sounds on Queen Moggoth's WingedEarthRay attack.
    · Added sounds on the Turret shooting projectiles.
    · Added sounds on Cass's Shuriken
    · Added sounds on the Palace of Pain's alarms.
    · Added sounds on enemies's explosions when they die.
    · Added sounds on Nightbringer's Shadow ball attacks.
    · Updated the sounds of Cass's dash attack animation.
    What are we doing right now:
    · We are working on a Steam Cloud's services to work consistently, even with players who are playing from internet cafes.
    · Fixing gears and upgrades that doesn't work as intended if you are not the host of the server.
    · We are working on a blacklist for players and discussing on more options to combat griefers.
    · If your game crashes, please send us your saved folder (C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Killsquad\Saved) here at

    2楼2019-09-07 10:30

      4楼2019-09-07 14:28