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Killsquad v0.6.4.2更新内容


1楼2019-08-03 12:21回复
    Killsquad Update v0.6.4.2
    The First Killsquad Live Event is here!
    Every week, we will hide Tokens in some contracts. Collect them to unlock Early Access exclusive content!
    · Added Early Access Event Tokens.
    - Some contracts have hidden Tokens, after completing them you will earn Token(s) to later exchange them for exclusive content.
    - Harder contracts rewards you with more Tokens.
    · Added an Exclusive Early Access skin for Cass.
    · Added a Pop-up at the start of the game.
    · Added Japanese language.
    · Added Korean language.
    · Added the Chinese logo of Killsquad.
    · Added vector numbers on character's profile pictures on their selection menu.
    · Added anti-cheat measures to avoid potential cheating programs.
    · Fixed localization files of Spanish.
    · Fixed losing your saved progress on power outage or forced shutdowns.
    · Fixed random crashes due to the game trying to recalculate the path of the enemies (Thank you Rasmus!).
    · The Abomination's spiders now disappears if they are thrown outside the floor.
    · Fixed Cass's shuriken teleporting her out of bounds of levels where the navmesh is not correct and could have reach currently inaccessible areas (such as exiting boss areas).
    · Fixed Cass's unlimited doge after her Ultimate could be spammed forever, since dodging reseted the cooldown.
    · Fixed the situation where after beating a contract with the controller, you couldn't select a new contract with the mouse.
    · Fixed most places on Planet Wasteland 7A where the players could fall through the map.
    · Fixed weapon vectors surpassing the maximum vector from mission chests.
    · Fixed the invisible chat window blocking mouse input in the menu inventory.
    · Fixed huge fps drops when the Federation Force appears.
    · Fixed huge fps drops when Kosmo uses his MADHOUSE's cage to spawn an area to block enemies.
    · Fixed the bug where Kosmo's Mjolnir could hurt other players with its sparks.
    · Fixed the bug where players equipped with Katoptr-23 (Prototype Gear) could reflect each other's Mjolnir's sparks.
    · Fixed huge fps drops when chests appear after killing special enemies such as Alpha bosses, the Federation Force and the Nightbringer.
    · Fixed Nightbringer's Claws not spawning from some chests and made the percentage drop rate higher on harder difficulties.
    · Fixed the Weapon's Upgrade, LifeStealChance's description, to correct the displayed percentage.
    · Fixed some instanced abilities, UNBEATABLE upgrade and LIFESUCKER.
    · Fixed turrets being able to spawn underneath enemies to stuck them (Thanks Lunia!).
    · Fixed Weapons of the Plague hurting players (clients) until they die.
    · Fixed player's damage resetting to level 1 after they are resurrected.

    3楼2019-08-03 12:38
      每周,我们都会藏一些代币在契约里面。 收集它们以解锁Early Access专属内容!
      ·添加了Early Access代币。
      - 有些契约隐藏了一些代币,完成它们之后你会获得令牌,以便用来兑换专属内容。
      - 更难的合同会奖励更多代币。
      ·为Cass添加了专属Early Access皮肤。
      ·修复了在击杀例如Alpha Boss、银河联邦、Nightbringer(暗夜使者)这一类特殊敌人刷出宝箱后大幅掉帧的问题

      4楼2019-08-03 13:51