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【原创】Romeo and Juliet Alternate ending (用英文写的)


这个是为了学校的project而写的, 题目视 "Romeo and Juliet" 的另外一个结尾
Scence 1
Montague, Lady Montague, Capulet, Lady Capulet, Nurse, Benvolio, the Prince and one of his servants are present in the dining room of the prince’s house
Montague: Look at what your daughter has caused, she has caused my son, Romeo to die
Capulet: My daughter? We should say, what has your son done, he caused my daughter’s death!!!
Benvolio: Can you two stop it. Romeo and Juliet did not cause each other’s deaths. You two did. You wouldn’t let them be together. You are the murderers of their death.
Nurse: Mister Capulet, even though I am not close with Benvolio, but I must say he is right, Romeo did not cause the death of Juliet, it was the hate of the 2 families
Montague: you two are right, I was the murderer, if I wasn’t against their marriage, they would not have end up to this stage. It’s all my fault
Capulet: It wasn’t just your fault, but also mine, I regret for not stopping our hate in the 1st place, if I can choose again, I would have let them be
Montague: Me, too
Prince: It’s not too late
Lady Montague: Prince, what do you mean?
Prince: (to Montague and Capulet) I will tell you, if you promise that what you just said is true
Capulet: yes, it is true
Prince: very well then, I will tell you, but 1st let me tell my servant something
Prince walks to his servant and whispers something into the servant’s ear. The servant then leaves and the prince walks back to them
Montague: You may continue now
Prince: Wait a moment, I think it would be better, if they said it
Benvolio: They?
Prince: Yes. They
Mercutio: Who are they?
Prince: You will find out really soon
                                                Enters Romeo and Juliet
Montague, Lady Montague, Capulet, Lady Capulet, Benvolio, Mercutio, and the Nurse all look shocked
Lady Capulet: Am I dreaming?
Prince: I don’t think so
Lady Capulet: Then it must be my imagination
Capulet: My dear wife, I don’t think it’s a dream or your imagination because I can see it too.
Juliet: Father, Mother, it’s me
                                    Juliet runs to them and hugs her mother
Benvolio: How can this be? Aren’t you two dead?
Romeo: Well, everything was a plan of ours. We wanted to show everybody what will happen if the hate between the Montagues and Capulets continue on, so we decided to pretend to die, we found that it would be the best way to show the affects
Lady Montague slowly walks to Romeo
Lady Montague: My boy, Romeo, please do not do this again, do you know how depressed I was when Prince told me that you had died
Romeo: Mother, I promise I wouldn’t do this again, at least I hope there wouldn’t be a need for me to do this again
Montague: Then what about Paris?
Prince: Oh, don’t worry, if Romeo and Juliet didn’t die, of course Paris hasn’t died either
Benvolio: So you mean that Paris was in the plan too
Prince: yes
Nurse: That is impossible. Paris loves Juliet to the state of wanting to marry her. Why would he help Romeo?
Juliet: Paris was touched by our love. He saw how much we loved each other and understood that I will only love Romeo so he gave up and decided to help us get our happiness and that was to help us in our plan
Romeo: (To Montague) So father, can I be with Juliet now?
Montague: You may do whatever you like as long as you don’t give me such surprises again, I’m getting old
Juliet: (to Capulet) what about you, father, do you agree?
Capulet: I will keep my words
Romeo goes to Juliet and gives her a kiss
Nurse: I think we should leave and give the remaining time to this couple
Benvolio: I think so, too.
Everybody exits except for Romeo and Juliet

1楼2009-07-25 06:05回复
    Scene 2
    1 year later
    Romeo: Juliet, what shall we name our daughter?
    Juliet looks at the child in her hands that has just been given birth to a few days ago
    Juliet: I want to name her Love. Love is really beautiful, I want our baby to be full of love. When she grows up, I wish that she will find a man that will love her forever
    Romeo: Love? Yes, we should name her Love, love brought me and you together and love helped us conquer all the problems. The representation of our love is our child, Love.
    Juliet: (to the baby) From now on you are called Love
    The baby laughs and looks at Juliet

    2楼2009-07-25 06:06
      Scene 3
      1 year later
      Juliet: Love, say mama
      Love: guguggagaga
      Juliet: no, say Mama
      Love: guggagaga
      Juliet: Romeo, why isn’t our child speaking
      Romeo: It takes time
      Juliet puts Love on her bed. Juliet and Romeo plan to leave
      Love: Mama!!!

      3楼2009-07-25 06:07