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IP属地:福建1楼2019-03-07 07:30回复
    IGN - 9.5 / 10
    "Devil May Cry 5's trio of outstanding combat styles set a new high bar for the series, and its mysterious story keeps things interesting along the way."
    PC Gamer - 9 / 10
    "Three great characters and a beautiful, fluid combat system make this a must-buy for hack-and-slash fans."
    Easy Allies - 9 / 10
    "Devil May Cry 5 has some of the best combat yet seen in an action game."
    GameSpot - 9 / 10
    "DMC5 proves the series can still be brilliant and imaginative without compromising its longest-held traditions."
    HardcoreGamer - 4 / 5
    "I may have been fairly critical throughout this review, but in the end Devil May Cry 5 is still one of the better character action games you’ll play."
    GamesRadar - 4.5 / 5
    "Capcom has done it again, re-energising a classic series like never before, and pushing the genre forward in a fresh way. It looks better than ever, plays better than ever. It's Devil May Cry better than ever."
    Eurogamer - "Recommended"
    "Capcom returns to its trusted formula for something that plays like a outrageously pretty PS2 game - and that's a very good thing."
    Twinfinite - 5 / 5
    "The wait between Devil May Cry 4 and Devil May Cry 5 might have been long, but the payoff is more than worth it. It doesn't deviate from the series' formula, but instead refines it to a polished sheen; one that's packed with an absurd amount of style and spirit. This is a must-play action game for fans of the series and the genre alike."
    Kotaku - Unscored
    "Devil May Cry 5 is a firework. If you’re the one with the lighter, then setting the explosion off is a simple as flicking your finger."
    Destructoid - 10 / 10
    "I'm going to be playing Devil May Cry 5 weeks from now in the short term and years from now long term. This is the sort of fine-tuned wacky action game the genre deserves."
    USGamer - 4.5 / 5
    "Capcom fills fans' dark souls with light! Devil May Cry 5 is an excellent return to form for the franchise, setting it up for a bright future. Nero's here, Dante's back in pitch-perfect form, and V provides a brand-new style of play. All Capcom really needed to do with Devil May Cry 5 was repackage the classic DMC gameplay with a modern coat of paint, but DMC 5 is an excellent, thoughtful update."
    Dualshockers - 9 / 10
    "11 years after we last saw Dante, Nero & Co., Devil May Cry 5 shows that the series is in fine form with one of its best installments yet."
    Push Square - 9 / 10
    "Devil May Cry 5 is quite easily one of the best action games on PS4. Flawless in the execution of its often jaw-dropping combat, it's a masterfully crafted title that begs to be played over and over again. Stunning presentation helps sell some of the coolest cutscenes going, and the story ties the series together with style. Among a sea of uninspired open world outings, Devil May Cry 5 is an explosion of character and laser-focused excellence. Capcom is well and truly back."
    GameInformer - 8.5 / 10
    "Chaining together impressive combos is as fun as ever, though hopping among three characters makes it hard to hone your expertise"
    God is a Geek - 10 / 10
    "Devil May Cry 5 is a stunning hack and slash game and never fails to amaze. Combat this good should be illegal."
    GameRant - 5 / 5
    "Capcom's Devil May Cry 5 is an insane, over-the-top, adrenaline-fueled action game that stomps its foot on the gas right at the start and never lets up."
    Metro Game Central - 9 / 10
    "A perfectly judged comeback that's full of all the wild invention and stylish mayhem fans demand but proves surprisingly accessible and varied for everyone else."
    Telegraph - 5 / 5
    "It’s stylish. It’s cool. It’s supremely fun, fluid and rewarding."
    Guardian - 9 / 10
    "High-octane challenges in this irresistible romp have resurrected an action series that's been dormant for over a decade"
    PowerUp! - 9.6 / 10
    "As far as gameplay, I can't see many people not enjoying this. Devi May Cry 5 has been one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had."
    Nerd Much? - 9.7 / 10
    "Devil May Cry 5’s self-awareness is a big part of what makes it such a great game. It doesn’t care that it’s still a linear game; it doesn’t care that it’s a hack ‘n slash in 2019; it doesn’t care that its story is mostly fan service. It embraces everything that it is – despite those elements typically being labeled as dated – and we love it more because it’s doing that."
    Fandom - 5 / 5
    "This is the best Devil May Cry yet. Each character has enough depth to fill a game by themselves, the story does exactly what it needs to, the twists and turns keep you on edge and the combat sets a new benchmark for action games as a whole. Capcom has made a masterclass in stylish combat gaming here, and there’s enough content to keep players happy — even if it takes another 11 years for a sequel."
    Not so good scores matter too.
    Variety - 6 / 10
    "It’s fun, in the ways that the old games are fun, and, taken out of context, it makes some interesting changes to mix up how you approach its beloved Style. Devil May Cry 5 manages to shake off the rust and remind us why we liked these games before, but you have to work to ignore the fact that some of its moves are just a little bit out of date."
    GamesBeat - 7 / 10
    "Devil May Cry 5 won't be a total disappointment thanks to its stunning production values. Aside from the recent Resident Evil 2 remake, this is the best-looking game Capcom has ever made. Its adventure is a fun one if you don't take it too seriously (which shouldn't be too hard). As much as I can gripe about its flaws, it's hard not to grin when you're shoving a running motorcycle wheel into a demon's face. But this isn't an action classic."
    TrueGaming - 7 / 10
    "The new gameplay mechanics and enjoyable boss fights can't compensate for the weak story and repetitive missions and a camera that ruins the fight occasionally, the potential is there but the bad decision made blow out away."
    Stevivor - 7 / 10
    "Excellent combat, dated design"
    CGMagazine - 6 / 10
    "Devil May Cry 5's risk-averse approach grounds it as other games in the genre are reaching for the sky."

    IP属地:福建2楼2019-03-07 07:30

      IP属地:福建3楼2019-03-07 07:32

        IP属地:福建4楼2019-03-07 07:34

          IP属地:辽宁来自iPhone客户端5楼2019-03-07 07:36

            IP属地:上海来自Android客户端7楼2019-03-07 07:47

              IP属地:广西来自Android客户端8楼2019-03-07 07:57
                欧美媒体现在也是够多够杂的,我记得10年前,基本也就是看看IGN、GAMESPOT、GAME Infomer的评分。

                IP属地:北京来自Android客户端9楼2019-03-07 08:13

                  IP属地:广西来自Android客户端10楼2019-03-07 08:32

                    IP属地:上海来自手机贴吧11楼2019-03-07 08:41

                      IP属地:江苏来自手机贴吧12楼2019-03-07 08:43

                        IP属地:贵州来自Android客户端16楼2019-03-07 09:01
                          几个给六七分的我是真尼玛没看到 估计就喜欢dmc那样的

                          IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端17楼2019-03-07 13:28