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2019-02-11 游戏更新



1楼2019-02-25 13:31回复
    UPDATE: SpaceChem community update (v1013)
    11 FEB @ 3:04AM- KRISPYKREM
    Can you believe it's been over eight years since SpaceChem first launched? Today we're releasing a community-driven update featuring a host of bug fixes, improvements, and new journal puzzles. Special thanks to 12345ieee and Csaboka, who did most of the actual work for this update.
    - Added a bunch of new user-created puzzles to ResearchNet.
    - Added a right-click menu to the inside of reactors with options to swap colors, mirror the program, and reset the contents of the reactor.
    - Added an option to the options menu to show bonder priority in reactors.
    - Improved the performance of the fastest playback speed in non-defense puzzles so that it now runs as fast as your computer can handle.
    - Enabled all of the "Greek symbol elements" in ResearchNet puzzles.
    - Added the ability to add bonds to the "unknown element" symbol in molecule annotations.
    - Changed reactors to be processed in topological order so that there is no longer a need to consider "reactor priority" when optimizing your solutions.
    - Changed the video recording logic to prevent videos from being too short or too long.
    - Fixed a bug where random inputs varied depending on your operating system. The new behavior should be identical to the old behavior for Windows users. Impossible scores will be removed from leaderboards in the coming days.
    - Fixed some obscure bugs that have somehow persisted over the years, including missed collisions, asymmetrical collisions, "molecule smashing," and "telekinesis."
    - Fixed a bug where you could delete symbols while a solution was running.
    - Fixed a bug where leaderboards would sometimes be empty for players with computers set to non-English locales.
    - Fixed a bug where wrong outputs were sometimes accepted.
    - Fixed a bug where you could lose after winning a defense puzzle.
    - Fixed a broken YouTube link for the optional tutorial video.
    - Removed all YouTube upload functionality from the game.

    3楼2019-02-25 13:32
      - ResearchNet 新增关卡
      - 反应炉内增加右键菜单,包括交换颜色,镜像程序,重置反应炉
      - 增加显示 Bonder (⊕)顺序的选项
      - boss 关以外的关卡中,最快速以电脑最快速度运行
      - ResearchNet 关卡内可以使用希腊字母元素
      - 分子注释中可以在未知元素上增加化学键
      - 反应炉按拓扑顺序运行,不再需要考虑反应炉的执行顺序
      - 录像功能不再会录的太长或太短
      - 统一不同平台上随机输入的随机顺序,均和原 Windows 的顺序一致(注:即 Linux 上有变化,原来 Windows 和 Mac 都是一样的)。高分榜随后也会清理不符的结果
      - 修复一些存在已久的奇怪 bug,包括碰撞检测,瞬移等(注:真是很久的 bug 了。。。)
      - 修复你可以在程序运行时删除程序指令的 bug
      - 修复非英语环境下排行榜有时为空的 bug
      - 修复错误的输出有时会被接受的 bug
      - 修复 boss 关可能在获胜后失败的 bug
      - 修复 YouTube 教程视频的链接
      - 删除上传视频到 YouTube 的功能

      4楼2019-02-25 13:46