dota2fateanother吧 关注:29贴子:469
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Add jack the ripper in fatepedia
Hero Max Health Now will be floor (力量血量向下取整不会再比原来血少)
Lacner Voice fix
1.FA sasaki
(D)Minds eye 心眼
before: CD(冷却):1/0.5 ratio(敏捷比率):0.7/1.2 ratio_revoked:1.0/2.0
now: CD:0.7 0.3 ratio:0.5/0.75 ratio_revoked:0.75 1.0
(W)Heart of Harmony 武者之心
triggered invincible duration(触发无敌) 0.75s -> 0.5s
(E) Windblade 风之刃
fix:Now current is magical damage,just text fix(正确地变成魔法伤害)
2.FC Avenger AngraMainyu
(Q) Murderous Instinct
crit_ratio(暴击系数):108% 116% 124% 132% 140% -> 110% 120% 130% 140% 150%
(E -> Q) Unlimited Remains(召唤小鬼)
CD:7.5 -> 10.0
period(分裂周期):30 27 24 21 18 ->30 28 26 24 22
(E -> D) Blood Mark (换血)
casttime 0.3-> 0.15
(W) Tawrich Zarich 恶魔獠牙
When u improved override,it will current has 50% chance to attach baseattack.(现在你不再需要开Q来触发)
3.BS Saber
( ) Charisma 领导力
speed bonus 10->20(移动攻速增强)
( ) Instinct 直感
evasion(闪避) 15%->20%
( ) Improved Instinct
crit_rate(暴击概率):35% -> 50%
crit_ratio:300% ->250%
CD:35 -> 10
(E) excalibur
damage 700 900 1100 1300 1500 -> 600 800 1000 1200 1400
length 2000->1800
(D) StrikeAir 风锤
damage 600 + (caliburn_level + invisible_air_level) * 125 -> 600 + (caliburn_level + invisible_air_level) * 150
( )Strike Air-Upstream 上升气流
chance 10% -> 25%
now no longer ad ratio -> agi ratio ratio 1.3->3.0
damage type magical -> pure
4.HS Saber Alter
(W) Mana Burst
casttime 0.7 -> 0.6
int ratio 3 - > 5
( ) Mana Blast
maxium charge 3->7 (每次Q最大获得七个球)
5.Jack The Ripper
( )Information Erasure
NEW:Never mark on minimap(不会被杀气感应)
Fix:When u cast Maria the ripper jack will current invison(释放解体圣母的时候能够正确隐身)
Never show on minimap(不在小地图显示)
(D) Back Stab 背刺
cd 10 / 2 -> 5 / 1
(W) Wasp Sting 蜂刺
Closed Style:Double damage threshold target health 30% ->35% (斩杀触发血量)
Maria The Ripper Fresh cold down 0.5s -> 0.3 (刷新冷却)
Ranged Style:Showdow strike Life period 1s ->3s (影袭存在时间加到3s)
(W->W) Shadow Strike
Now will PerformAttack
(E) Bat Fallen 飞雀夺怀
It no longer onset,if jack is dead. (如果你在落地前死了,不会再造成伤害)
NEW : When u fully cast Bat Fallen(it means 1.4s after u cast it),u will bonus 66% damagetaken reduce in 3s (原本的减伤现在能正确获得)
(R) Maria The Ripper
Now u need fully cast (必须在0.7秒后才能完成附魔,也就是说你再也不能W R的方式注入诅咒了)
If target dead,it will be exchange at once. (如果目标死亡会被立即替换回来)
Add FX (添加特效)
(Combo) The Mist 黑暗雾都
cd : 200 -> 280(一起修复的还有冷却buff)
6.Ata Atalante
No longer deal 75%damage to a_scroll (不会再对A卷造成75%伤害)
(R->F) Phoebus
dmage_ratio 75% -> 40%
(Q) Celestial Arrow
Face to Active Protection From Arrows,no longer take damage(如果lancer开启主动加护不再造成伤害)
(W) Calydonian Hunt
Each stack bonus const damage ,damage bonus 13% -> 35 (百分比变为固定值)
Tooltip fixed
Value 10 15 20 25 30 -> 8 11 14 17 20 (属性)
Aspd 40 55 60 75 90 -> 30 35 40 45 50 (攻速)
Duration 25 ->30 (持续时间)
threshold 33% -> 50% (只要你血量低于50%就已经能够享受全额减伤)
(R)Luminosite Eternelle
extra_damage 30% ->10% (额外伤害)
flag health 8 11 14 17 20 -> 8 10 12 14 16
(Q)Rebellious Intent
self slow maxium 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% -> 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% (自身减速)
str bonus 10 15 20 25 30 -> 10 13 16 19 22 (力量增加)
(W)Ceremonial Purge
slow per stack 10% -> 20% (减速效果)
(D->D) Impale (刺穿,你一定不知道还有这么个技能)
Radius min 150 ->400
Radius Max 250 ->600
Damage 200 ->600
()Instant Curse B4消耗
manacost 10->4
()Bloodletter B5消耗
manacost 11->6
10.ZL Diamuid
(E) Gae Buidhe
cast mana 550 -> 450
11.L Lancer5
(D) soaring_spear
Now always has 2.0ad damage bonus (永远有2.0的AD加成,不再需要开W)
(F) Active Protection From Arrows CD 60 ->20
12.JA Gilgamesh
(E) GOB AD bonus 0.3 ->0.2 (王财加成削弱)

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