1 Liam Aiken 的简介
Date of birth (location)
7 January 1990
New York, New York, USA
Actor - filmography
雷蒙尼·斯尼奇 的 不幸事件(Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events) (2004)
外星神犬(Good Boy!)(2003)
毁灭之路(Road to Perdition)(2002)
上升之地(The Rising Place)(2001)
甜蜜的十二月(Sweet November)(2001)
非洲之梦(I Dreamed of Africa) (2000)
我的定情信物(The Object of My Affection)(1998)
亨利笨蛋(Henry Fool)(1997)
作者:zhwghl封 2005-3-12 20:22 回复此发言
Date of birth (location)
7 January 1990
New York, New York, USA
Actor - filmography
雷蒙尼·斯尼奇 的 不幸事件(Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events) (2004)
外星神犬(Good Boy!)(2003)
毁灭之路(Road to Perdition)(2002)
上升之地(The Rising Place)(2001)
甜蜜的十二月(Sweet November)(2001)
非洲之梦(I Dreamed of Africa) (2000)
我的定情信物(The Object of My Affection)(1998)
亨利笨蛋(Henry Fool)(1997)
作者:zhwghl封 2005-3-12 20:22 回复此发言