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Blue Mountains overnight trip
This was such a wonderful trip that allowed you to spend a good amount of time in every location and truly experience the beauty Australia has to offer! Everything went smoothly and you felt as though you had backstage passes to every part of the trip! You got great insight into the history behind the blue mountains and got to see the coolest animals at the zoo! Both Debbie and Adam have the greatest personalities and really do serve you. The food is great and the hospitality is the best! Loved the trip so much, I would do it again!
这是一次非常美妙的旅行,你可以在每个地方花很多时间,真正体验澳大利亚的美丽!一切都进行得很顺利,你感觉就像你在旅行的每个部分都有后台通行证! 你对蓝山背后的历史有了深刻的了解,还在动物园里看到了最酷的动物!黛比和亚当都超有个性,而且确实为你服务得很好。这里的食物很好,招待也很周到!我非常喜欢这次旅行,我想再来一次!

IP属地:浙江1楼2018-08-14 10:28回复

    IP属地:浙江2楼2018-08-15 09:22