其实很多内容只是容易让一些观众引发性想象,并不是刻意而为的。说的直白点:你看它是什么就是什么。 我一个多月前刚刚在上戏讲过一堂课,里面提到了这首歌,稍微把歌词做了一些分析。这里要写篇幅太大了,所以简单讲一下: the Music of the Night [Verse 1] Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation Darkness stirs and wakes imagination Silently the senses abandon their defenses 这段算是一个开场,通过环境塑造来试图催眠小C。 ——如果有吧友经历过催眠的话,应该知道催眠的开始阶段,就是要营造一个周边环境,来促使被催眠者的感官按照催眠师希望的那样去感知世界。 [Verse 2] Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender Turn your face away from the garish light of day Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light And listen to the music of the night 环境营造好了以后,就开始“引诱”小C去和这个环境互动,同时逐渐让她认可这个环境是对她“友好”的。 [Verse 3] Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar! And you'll live as you've never lived before 当小C被说服接受这个环境以后,开始进一步揭示给她,告诉她过去的生活都无法与你即将开始的新生活比拟。而这个新生活,就要你close your eyes,全身心地投入其中。 ——享受了半天,你要采取一些主动咯。 [Verse 4] Softly, deftly, music shall surround you Feel it, hear it closing in around you Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind In this darkness which you know you cannot fight The darkness of the music of the night 毕竟面对一个新的环境,大部分人会有些恐惧惊慌的,所以这里是一层安抚,告诉她open up your mind,打开心扉,不要反抗darkness(饭桶的灵魂世界的象征)来实现你的fantasies。 [Verse 5] Let your mind start a journey to a strange new world Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before Let your soul take you where you long to be Only then can you belong to me 上一步完成了,可以说整个催眠达到了预期效果,胜利的喜悦让饭桶的darkness也翻出了黑暗的光芒来,并且说出了真实的目的——Only then can you belong to me! [Verse 6] Floating, falling, sweet intoxication Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in To the power of the music that I write The power of the music of the night 喜悦的余波尚存,但是心情已经恢复平静,思绪慢慢漂浮,同时进一步提出“要求”:小C的黑暗灵魂要和我的darkness合二为一。 [Outro] You alone can make my song take flight Help me make the music of the night 当一切都慢慢沉寂,黑暗重新笼罩一切,心理上充满了安全感的饭桶,这时才说出了整个催眠过程的真正目的:我要你,来和我一起谱写唱响这夜之乐章。 所以整个一首歌,从音乐和歌词上来说,的确是可以看作一场爱爱的前戏、缠绵、高潮、和结尾。但是实际上很多音乐剧歌曲,尤其是情歌,都可以解读出这样的发展曲线和节奏来,比如the Lion King里的Can You Feel the Love Tonight,舞台完整版中间还有舞蹈来象征整个爱爱活动。这是因为音乐剧歌曲绝大部分都要有一个情绪和情节上的发展演变,理论上角色和剧情在唱这首歌的前后,都应该有显著的变化。