Thank you, thank you. Uh, Brian if you ever get tired of the nightly news. I've got a job for you as public relations man for me here. Ellis lslands an important place. I'm glad to be here with my fellow honorees today. For me Ellis Islands is about if you can't really know who you are, and where we are going, unless you know who we were, where we came from.You really can't understand what it means or might mean to be an American, unless you know what it meant to be an American. So I'm glad to be a part of the ceremony, not just to honor my grandfather Anthony's really came through Ellis Island. At the turn of the century, he was unable to read or write, uh, went to New York University he became a lawyer. he made a short stop at sing-sing prison, but that's another story into each life. And he went on to lead a very inspirational, he was the garrulous booming voice small Italian man who seemed uh, like a rockstar to me when I was a kid, you know. I also want to remember Adelina Sorrentino it's my grandmother. she arrived the 28th she lived to be a hundred in Freehold New Jersey and never spoke any English. so so much for assimilation I guess that was, you know. I also need to thank the Farrells and the O'hagans, it's my Irish clan. McNicholas, they raised me as a child in Freehold New Jersey. My lovely wife Patti, Sicilian and Scots-Irish, and together we carry on the Irish Italian, mating tradition of central New Jersey.
so but I came here today to thank three women, and so i'm going to ask them.They said it was okay if i had them come up stage. so I'm going to ask my mom and two aunts to come. Come up and stand with me. so I've grown up with these women there, Anthony's three daughter, my mother adele and my two aunts Dora and Ida. And they have personified for me the tough optimism and the work ethic of first generation born American citizens They lifted my spirit, I think they put the rock and roll in me and provided me with place and rooted me into an experience that's filled my family and all of my work with great great meaning. My aunt Dora is 90. she's uh she's uh,she's still cranking out people's income taxes, so if you need help with your taxes,I know it's a little late now, but next year she's still avaliable. She graduated from college with honors at 67 years old. And my aunt Ida is 87, worked, yep, she was a member of the International Garment Workers Union working the coat factory for 20 years, then went on to cut hair in the same salon in Eatontown for the last 50 years. You can still get your hair cut by her on Wensday and Fridays at Macy's at Eatontown. And my mom, of course, Adele, she is 85. next week she worked as a legal secretary for 47 years, married to a turbulent Irishman, I have to thank my father Douglas also, and now thanks to a fortunate son, she resides in modest luxury in an undisclosed location. But uh,she held our family together under just great great difficulty. you know she did an unusual thing. Her parents were relatively well-off and she married into poverty and served there for a good part of her life and really held us all together. Thank you mama, love you very much. Those fabulous women they 're my living connection to my heritage to Ellis Island and for me what it means to have come here as an immigrant, so love and admire you all and thank you very much. Umm, don't be heading out that stays soak it up, enjoy, when's this going to hap
Umm, don't be heading out that stays soak it up, enjoy, when's this going to happen again, I don't know, soak it up. But you know, but, anyway with all the any immigrant pure that's out there, it's a good to remember that we're a nation of immigrants of hopeful wanderers. And we can not know who is coming across our borders today whose story will add a significant page to the American story, who will work hard, who will work hard, will raise the family whose new blood will strengthen the good fabric holding our nation together. So I'm proud to be here today as another hopeful son wanderer, a son of Italy of Ireland and of Holland and to wish god's grace safe passage and good fortune to those who are crossing our borders today, and to give thanks to those who have come before, whose journey, courrage and sacrifice made me an American. Thank you!